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At least, so many persons have taken up this agreeable and interesting pursuit that science has lost count of the less striking results. Briefly, the first hybrid Cypripedium was raised by Dominy, in 1869, and named after Mr. Harris, who, as has been said, suggested the operation to him. Seden produced the next in 1874 Cyp. Sedeni from Cyp.

An odd little story attaches to it. Mr. Curtis, now Director of the Botanic Gardens, Penang, sent this plant home from Sumatra when travelling for Messrs. Veitch, in 1882. The consignment was small, no more followed, and Cyp. Curtisi became a prize. Its habitat was unknown. Mr. Sander instructed his collector to look for it.

Cypripeds have not the power of fertilizing themselves, except a single species, Cyp. Schlimii, which accordingly, as we may say is most difficult to import and establish; moreover, it flowers so freely that the seedlings are always weak. In all species the sexual apparatus is so constructed that it cannot be impregnated by accident, and few insects can perform the office. Dr.

Cyp. purpuratum is almost extinct at Hong Kong, and is vanishing fast on the mainland. It is still found occasionally in the garden of a peasant, who, we are told, resolutely declines to sell his treasure. This may seem incredible to those who know the Chinaman, but Mr. Roebelin vouches for the fact; it is one more eccentricity to the credit of that people, who had quite enough already.

Under such disadvantages it is not to be expected that seed capsules would be often found upon imported Cypripeds. Messrs. Veitch state that they rarely observed one among the myriads of plants that have passed through their hands. With some species, however, it is not by any means so uncommon. When Messrs. Thompson, of Clovenfords, bought a quantity of the first Cyp.

The cashier behind the counter, who evidently foresaw trouble, called out to him in shrill tones: "You've made a mistake, go back to the buvette. You've nothing to do out here!" Removing his helmet, the gallant knight made the lady a sweeping bow. "Your servant, Madame. Your humble servant," he continued. "Cyprien Fremont, called Cyp for short." "Did you hear what I said?

Hermann Muller studied Cyp. calceolus assiduously in this point of view. He observed only five species of insect which fertilize it. Cyp. calceolus has perfume and honey, but none of the tropical species offer those attractions. Their colour is not showy. The labellum proves to be rather a trap than a bait.

Our young poet, too, one we raised in this place, Mr. Lindsay, and a superior article of poet, as we think, that is, some of us, for the rest of us are jealous of him, because the girls are all dying for him and want his autograph. And Cyp, yes, you must talk to Cyp, he has ideas. But don't forget to get hold of old Byles Master Gridley I mean before you go. Big head.

Cypripedium insigne, of the fine varieties, has been employed in a multitude of such instances. There is the striking Cyp. hirsutissimum, with sepals of a nameless green, shaded yellow, studded with spiculæ, exquisitely frilled, and tipped, by a contrast almost startling, with pale purple.

Lawrenceana, and got only about 1500 or so, it growing only here and there. At Roraima we did not hunt at all, as the district is utterly rubbed out by the Indians. We were about fourteen days at Roraima and got plenty of Utricularia Campbelliana, U. Humboldtii, and U. montana. Also Zygopetalum, Cyp. Also plenty others, as Sobralia, Liliastrum, etc.