United States or Mauritius ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

I need one hundred thousand dollars' worth of lumber-mill machinery, blade saws, crosscuts, jackers, planers, kickers, chain belting, leather belting, and everything else that goes to make up a first-class plant. I can pay for it in installments. I guarantee to give you every cent above my current running expenses until the bill is disposed of.

Saddle of Mutton: Make cuts parallel to backbone, half to three-quarters inch apart; then crosscuts at right angles to former, two to two and a half inches long. Slip knife beneath bone to free meat. Loin of Veal or Lamb: Cut backbone of each rib before cooking. Cut roast between ribs, serving one for a portion. Carve Crown of Lamb in the same way.

The division made by State codes and revisions, and the United States Revised Statutes, hardly suits our purpose, for it is made rather for lawyers than sociologists or students in comparative legislation. This division, however convenient in practice, crosscuts the various fields of legislation as divided in any logical manner.

We visited several crosscuts and drifts on this level and found several hundred men at work taking out platinum ore of a high grade, and my companion told me that they were doing the same work on several other thousand-foot levels, the ore improving in quality as they went down.

They passed the place where Albright had found the dark spray on the cañon wall, the standing rock where the gun with the untrue firing pin had kicked away its shell. A little farther on was the disturbed and trampled heap of slide which had held Old Pete's body. In silence they rode on, the horses' hoofs striking a million echoes from the reverberating crosscuts.

When she left the mouth of the black roofed cut and came out into the narrow, rockwalled cañon with its painted faces reaching up into the very skies, she gasped with amaze. Above her head she could see the endless cuts and crosscuts, the standing spires and narrow wedgelike walls that made a labyrinthian maze. Billy, close beside her, as always, watched her with a pensive sadness.