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Her beauty caught the lustful eyes, inflamed the brutal heart of a patrician, one of the great Cornelii. It is enough! She was torn from my house, dishonored, and sent home, to die by her own hand, that would not pardon that involuntary sin!

And she, daughter of the Cornelii and Claudii, whose ancestors had broken the might of Antiochus the Great and Mithridates should she not look in the face the heiress of the Lagidæ?

It is doubtless not the mere fault of tradition that no one of these Cornelii, Fabii, Papirii, or whatever they were called, confronts us in a distinct individual figure. The senator was supposed to be no worse and no better than other senators, nor at all to differ from them.

"But she hath a royal way with her, as of one born to the throne, and for that matter it were not strange for one of the house of Cornelii they held their heads proudly enough in Venice, I am told; and her mother was of the blood of a Comnenus more royal than a Lusignan, if not so well tempered." "Aye; she is well enough."

"For the matter of birth it is a trifle and doubtless the Republic would make her, by adoption, Daughter to Venice if there were aught in a created title to enhance her princely name with semblance of royalty. But there are already quarterings enough to match with the arms of Cyprus, and the Lusignans are a house far less ancient than the Cornelii."

As the Cornelii are eminent Traders, their good Correspondence with each other is useful to all that know them, as well as to themselves: And their Friendship, Good-will and kind Offices, are disposed of jointly as well as their Fortune, so that no one ever obliged one of them, who had not the Obligation multiplied in Returns from them all.

Few persons of the higher classes, except certain of the Cornelii, are buried at this date, although there is nothing in law or custom to prevent the choice. There exists no "crematorium," and the Silii are regularly burned at their own sepulchral allotment beside the "Queen of Roads."

XV. Cornelii Taciti Libri qui Supersunt: quartum recognovit Carolus Halm. XVI. C. Vellei Paterculi ex Historiae Romanae libris duobus quae supersunt: edidit Carolus Halm. XVII. L. Annaei Senecae Opera quae Supersunt: recognovit Fridericus Haase. XVIII. Athenaei Naucratitae Deipnosophistaro libri XV: recensuit Georgius Kaibel. XIX. Lucii Apulei Metamorphoseon libri XI. Apologia et Florida.

"And even if he were," interrupted Publius with glowing cheeks, "I would bring him to ruin all the same, for a man like Philotas must not perish, and his cause henceforth is my own. Here is my hand upon it; and if I am happy in having descended from a noble race it is above all because the word of a son of the Cornelii is as good as the accomplished deed of any other man."

To chide the prophecies which were spread abroad, that the name of the Scipios was, by the decrees of fate, fortunate and invincible in that province, he retained in the camp a profligate wretch, of the family of the Cornelii, who, on account of his scandalous life, was surnamed Salutio.