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The throbbing of the contragravity-field generator and the sense of rising worried him at first, but after they had picked up the harpy with the grapples and risen to five hundred feet he began to enjoy the ride. They dropped the harpy a couple of miles up what the latest maps were designating as Holloway's Run, and then made a wide circle back over the mountains. Little Fuzzy thought it was fun.

He glanced toward the body of Goldilocks. "That happen first?" "Watch out, Lieutenant! He still has his pistol!" Mallin shouted warningly. They went over and sat down on the contragravity-field generator housing one of the rented airjeeps. Jack started with Gerd van Riebeek's visit immediately after noon. "Yes, I thought of that angle myself," Lunt said disgustedly.

And he had added a dozen more items to the lengthening list of what Zarathustra could now produce in adequate quantities and no longer needed to import. Not fishhooks and boot buckles, either blasting explosives and propellants, contragravity-field generator parts, power tools, pharmaceuticals, synthetic textiles.

He summoned a mess-robot, selected a couple of dishes, and began to eat. After the first mouthful, he called to Alvyn Karffard: "Is Paul getting anything new?" he asked. Karffard checked. A little contragravity-field distortion effect. It was still too far to be sure. He went back to his lunch.

Stuffing the gadget into his mouth, he turned and began jabbering orders. Von Schlichten helped the girl into the car, placing her on his right. The wounded civilian was propped up in the left corner of the seat, and Colonel O'Leary and Brigadier-General M'zangwe took the jump-seats. The driver put on the contragravity-field, and the car lifted up.

Jack Holloway found himself squinting, the orange sun full in his eyes. He raised a hand to push his hat forward, then lowered it to the controls to alter the pulse rate of the contragravity-field generators and lift the manipulator another hundred feet.

The cutter was vibrating properly, so the contragravity-field had not been disturbed, and her jets were firing. "It was the second and third bombs that did the damage, sir," Morrison was saying.

The Keegarkan ship was completely blacked out, but the radiations from her engines and the distinctive radiation-pattern of her contragravity-field showed clearly, and there was a speck that marked her position on the radar-screen. The same position was marked with a pin-point of light on the vision screen some device on Sky-Spy, synchronized with the detectors, kept it focused there.

A number of classes and groups got squeezed pretty badly, like the horse-breeders and harness-manufacturers on Terra by the invention of the automobile, or the coal and hydroelectric interests when direct conversion of nuclear energy to electric current was developed, or the railroads and steamship lines at the time of the discovery of the contragravity-field.

He didn't believe there was going to be a Last Hot Time. He was an intellectual, he was. He started the contragravity-field generator as soon as Miles was in his seat. "Where now, boss?" he asked. "Qualpha's Village. We won't let down; just circle low over it. I want some views of the ruins. Then to Sanders' plantation." "O.K., boss; hold tight." He had the car up to ten thousand feet.