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Johnson this year expressed great satisfaction at the publication of the first volume of Discourses to the Royal Academy , by Sir Joshua Reynolds, whom he always considered as one of his literary school . Much praise indeed is due to those excellent Discourses, which are so universally admired, and for which the authour received from the Empress of Russia a gold snuff-box, adorned with her profile in bas relief, set in diamonds; and containing what is infinitely more valuable, a slip of paper, on which are written with her Imperial Majesty's own hand, the following words: 'Pour le Chevalier Reynolds en témoignage du contentement que j'ai ressentie

How few there are of these full, fruitful, gentle lives! What is the use of wishing for or regretting them? It is Wiser and harder to see in one's own lot the best one could have had, and to say to one's self that after all the cleverest tailor cannot make us a coat to fit us more closely than our skin. "Le vrai nom du bonheur est le contentement."

"La conversation a ete tres generale. Quand je suis parti, il m'a reconduit a travers un champ pour abreger mon chemin a la station. Il a chante quelques vieilles chansons avec beaucoup de caractere; j'ai chante un peu aussi et pourtant je ne suis guere dispose a chanter. Anne avait montre tant de contentement quand je suis alle la voir a Sheffield et penser que je ne la reverrai plus.

La ioye qui se ressent a ces entreueues semble estre quelque image du contentement des bien-heureux a leur arriuee dans le Ciel, tant elle est pleine de suauite." Scarcely had the new-comers arrived, when they were attacked by a contagious fever, which turned their mission-house into a hospital.