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Judges, the legal advisers to parties in litigation, clerks to local authorities, and others, ought to have in compendious form before them the whole Statute Law on a subject under discussion.

As they are mere matters of usage and mode, it is no disgrace for anybody of your age to be ignorant of them; and the most compendious way of learning them is, fairly to avow your ignorance, and to consult those who, from long usage and experience, know them best.

This compendious scheme struck the imagination, but did not satisfy the judgment of the assembly. "Fanny!" said Zoe, reproachfully. "That would be killing two birds with one stone," suggested Uxmoor, satirically. "The tender mercies of the wicked are cruel," explained Vizard, composedly. Zoe reiterated her question, What was to be done? Miss Gale turned to her with a smile.

Nearly everything, it seemed; so for the next ten minutes her companion held forth in a compendious but concise exordium on the great American game. During this interim the huge concrete stands filled entirely, and the populace began to spill over onto the field.

"The most likely and hopeful reformation of the road must begin with children. Wholesome laws and good sermons are but slow and late ways; the timely and most compendious way is a good education." Archbishop Tillotson.

The "Olam Katon" is clearly meant for beginners, who require a summary and compendious view of so much of physics, psychology, metaphysics and ethics as will give them an idea of the position of man in the world, and his duties, theoretical and practical, in this life, that he may fulfil his destiny for which he was created.

I'll get a crucible, and into it, and dissolve myself down to one small, compendious vertebra. So. Well, well, well! Stubb knows him best of all, and Stubb always says he's queer; says nothing but that one sufficient little word queer; he's queer, says Stubb; he's queer queer, queer; and keeps dinning it into Mr. Starbuck all the time queer sir queer, queer, very queer. And here's his leg!

The State has lost all hope of governing its subjects by giving them good laws, and inspiring them with loyalty; and the Church has long since abandoned the plan of producing obedience and love by presenting great truths to the mind. Both have found out a shorter and more compendious policy.

This play was written in conjunction with Lee, of whom Dryden relates that, when some one said to him, "It is easy enough to write like a madman," he replied, "No, it is hard to write like a madman, but easy enough to write like a fool," perhaps the most compendious lecture on poetry ever delivered. The following passage almost certainly is his: "Sure 'tis the end of all things!

The kitchen, flanked by the compendious outhouses which make our New England kitchens almost luxurious in the comfort and handiness of every arrangement, was the centre of Hepsy Ann's kingdom, where she reigned supreme, and waged sternest warfare against dirt and disorder.