United States or South Africa ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

But I don't find fault with the machinery; the wider field and the larger figures are a direct boon to us. They do, however, impose an added strain upon our sincerity." I like to believe that the American writer is stiffening himself more and more to meet this strain. Commercialization has never affected any literature more than it has affected the American short story in the past.

Worst of all is the commercialization of art. The rudely carved totem pole may appear grotesque to the white man, but it is the sincere expression of the faith and personality of the Indian craftsman, and has never been sold or bartered until it reached civilization. Now we see at once the root of the red man's failure to approach even distantly the artistic standard of the civilized world.

Various business models are emerging or reasserting themselves from ad sponsored content to packaged open source software. Many creative people artists, authors, innovators are repelled by the commercialization of their intellect and muse. They seek and find alternatives to the behemoths of manufacturing, marketing and distribution that today control the bulk of intellectual property.

They are the salvation of this nation the stronghold of its purity. In the commercialization and the corruption of a people the women are the last to go. In the South we have taken care of them always. I'm not preaching. I only say, it was our Miss Lady who, by the Providence of God, acted here as the spirit of all that means progress, all that means development and civilization.

Literally visualize new-to-the- world concepts AND the customers who will use them; Evaluate and refine the prototypes in a series of quick iterations; And finally, implement the new concept for commercialization. This methodology is a hybrid between the lone-inventor and the faceless corporate R&D team. An entirely different process of innovation characterizes the financial markets.

For example, there's millions for items such as cranberry research, blueberry research, the study of crawfish, and the commercialization of wildflowers. I won't even touch that. So, tonight I offer you this challenge. In 30 days I will send back to you those items as rescissions, which if I had the authority to line them out I would do so.

For example, there's millions for items such as cranberry research, blueberry research, the study of crawfish, and the commercialization of wildflowers. I won't even touch that. So, tonight I offer you this challenge. In 30 days I will send back to you those items as rescissions, which if I had the authority to line them out I would do so.

European girls still exploit it as briskly as ever; and, when a title is not to be had for the money in hand, they buy the husband without it. They must put up the "dot," or there is no trade. The commercialization of brides is substantially universal, except in America. It exists with us, to some little extent, but in no degree approaching a custom. "The Englishman dearly loves a lord."

Consequently, secularization and commercialization had not progressed as far in eroding the traditional power and prestige of the Crown and the Church. Although both institutions readily compromised with capitalist interests and strove to develop a working alliance with them, neither the Crown nor the Church in Spain and Portugal had ever been taken over by the commercial interests.

It is a grave question how far we ought to countenance the commercialization of the natural instinct of charity. Professional charity is not only cold but it hurts more than it helps. It degrades the recipients and drugs their self-respect. Akin to it is sentimental idealism. The idea went abroad not so many years ago that "service" was something that we should expect to have done for us.