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Besides these grand people there were employes of the mines of less note, clerks of the comerciantes, young farmers of the valley, gambucinos, vaqueros, ciboleros, and even "leperos" of the town, shrouded in their cheap serapes. A motley throng was the fandango. The music consisted of a bandolon, a harp, and fiddle, and the dances were the waltz, the bolero, and the coona.

The "gambucinos," and young men of the town, the smaller tradespeople, are very similarly attired; but those of higher class the officials and "comerciantes" are clad in broad-cloth jackets and pantaloons, not exactly of European cut, but approaching it a sort of compromise between Paris fashions and the native costume of the country. Another costume may be noticed, worn by many of the crowd.

Aside from this universal medium of exchange the characteristic production of each community, in a minor way, answers for the community the needs of a medium of exchange. Samoki buys many things with her pots, such as tobacco and salt from Mayinit; cloth from Igorot comerciantes, breechcloth and basi from the Igorot producers; chickens, pigs, palay, and camotes from neighboring pueblos.

Todas las clases o grupos sociales tienen derecho a ser representados en las legislaturas para trabajar por las leyes que afectan a sus intereses; los comerciantes pueden eligir a uno de ellos, lo mismo los agricultores, los obreros y los industriales; pero a las mujeres, que no son meramente un grupo sino un compuesto de grupos, con representar la mitad de un país, con propios intereses que sostener no sólo en relación a su sexo sino también en relación a su situación dentro de la familia, no se les permite votar y por tanto no se les permite tener una representación que sostenga aquellas leyes o medidas necesarias para su protección y mejoramiento. ¿Es esto justo? ¿Es siquiera moral?