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Nearly 500 yeomen were added to the panel of British prisoners of war by the hawk-like swoop of De Wet and the brothers Prinsloo almost under the eyes of three Divisions of the British Army. For not only were Colvile and Rundle aware of Spragge's predicament, but as soon as it was reported to Lord Roberts, Methuen was ordered to the rescue.

No attempt seems to have been made to communicate with him by heliograph, and he was still unaware that Martyr had been on Boesman's Kop for three hours, and was actually assisting in the turning movement; and that Colvile was hurrying forward to the sound of the firing with the IXth Division. As the battle had begun in the Fog of War, so also therein did it end.

To Auchin, and home on the 28th. A bill had passed at the close of the last session for the appointment of four paid members of the Privy Council. They were Sir James Colvile, Sir Barnes Peacock, Sir Montague Smith, and Sir Robert Collier. These judges began to sit on November 6th of this year. The Court, from that time, sat continuously.

Broadwood, who had no information that Colvile and Martyr were approaching from the west, and that the latter was actually at Boesman's Kop, acted in the belief that he would have to deal with the situation unaided.

By evil fortune a force of five hundred Yeomanry, the 18th battalion, including the Duke of Cambridge's Own and the Irish companies, had been sent from Kroonstad to join Colvile at Lindley. Colonel Spragge was in command. On May 27th this body of horsemen reached their destination only to find that Colvile had already abandoned it.

Dinner at home for General Roberts: but he had been ordered off to the Transvaal. 13th. 16th. Tennyson gave an evening party in Eaton Square. April 7th. To Foxholes. Cold: gouty. Lady Colvile came. 20th. My cousin, John Taylor, died. 26th. Lord Beaconsfield's funeral. Of this last, he received the following account from Mr. T. Norton Longman: April 28th.

Reeve a faithful copy of the eulogistic speech of the public orator, and I will translate it to her. My notice is for Thursday. I shall propose the immediate creation of three judges, the giving Colvile and Peel fitting remuneration 2,000 L. a year each and a large addition to the salary of the registrar. The Journal then has: June 20th.

That he should go first! Oh God, preserve me and bless you all. Ever yours truly, Could you say or write a line in season to Lady Colvile? They say I am better. To Mr. T. Norton Longman Rutland Gate, December 7th. I have been and am horribly upset by the sudden death of Sir James Colvile, which took place yesterday morning.

Colvile was dealing with a demonstration against Paardeberg Drift when an oral message from Kitchener reached him, which he interpreted as an order to go to Knox's assistance with his Division, which was thus withdrawn from the flank and lent to the frontal attack.

I know not how long it had been coming on; but in the preceding week he had been staying at the Grenfells' at Taplow, where Lady Colvile had the scarlatina. From Taplow he proceeded to Savernake; but Lady Ailesbury had so violent a fear of the infection that she sent a servant to stop Greville's fly on the way from the station to the house, on the ground that she could not receive him.