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The Abbe Cruchot, a plump, puffy little man, with a red wig plastered down and a face like an old female gambler, said as he stretched out his feet, well shod in stout shoes with silver buckles: "The des Grassins have not come?" "Not yet," said Grandet. "But are they coming?" asked the old notary, twisting his face, which had as many holes as a collander, into a queer grimace.

Boil slowly four to five hours, until the beans are tender, filling up with cold water as that in the kettle wastes. When the beans are very soft, strain all through a fine collander, mashing through beans and vegetables, add a quart of very good soup stock, also a bay leaf, and boil up hard half a minute before serving.

Put into the oven again and cook for half an hour, basting frequently with the original brine. When done take the meat out of the sauce. Strain the sauce through a fine collander and add a few raisins, a piece of honey cake, or ginger snaps and the meat of one fresh tomato. Season with salt and pepper and a little sugar to taste. Slice and serve with the sauce over it.

So, seemingly, the curtain fell on the last act of the play. One month after the Cavendish murder and two days after he had despatched a casual, courteous note to John Cavendish requesting that he call, Mr. Patrick Enright, of Enright and Dougherty, sat in his private office on the top floor of the Collander Building in Cortlandt Street waiting for the youth's appearance.

The water must be salted to taste. Drain the rice in a collander, set it after draining in the oven for a minute. The grains should stand out separate, but be very tender. Rice thus cooked, and served with plenty of butter, is excellent as a vegetable. Wedding Salad: Roast unstuffed, three young tender turkeys, or six full grown chickens.

Suddenly, while the three lads stood regarding one another, there came a high-pitched voice ringing clearly above the confusion and shouts: "You consarned yaller coyote, you take yer leathery lunch-hooks off me, or I'll fill yer so full uv holes your ma can use you for a collander!" "Coyote Pete!" exclaimed Jack. "Oh, boys, he's all right!" "Oh, Jack!