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They cannot stay what they are under such influences. Mollusca live two hundred fathoms down in the Norwegian seas. The Siberian stag grows fat on the stunted growth of Altaian peaks. The Hedysarium thrives amid the desolation of Sahara. Tufts of osier and birch grow on the hot lips of volcanic Schneehalten. But good character and a useful life thrive amid club-room dissipations Never!

The two actresses hastened away, escorted by Andre Desvanneaux, a modern Tartufe, who, though married, was seen everywhere, as much at home behind the scenes as in church. Coffee and liqueurs were then served in a salon adjoining the large dining-room, which gave the effect of a private club-room to this part of the restaurant.

An invariable feature, like the arcaded loggie of old Venetian towns, is the Nampolo, or palaver-house, which may be described as the club-room of the village. An open hangar, like the Ikongolo or "cask-house" of the trading places, it is known by a fire always kept burning.

Around this simple but satisfying piece of furniture the three transient tenants of the dugout had just played a game of dummy bridge, and now sat smoking and bickering as peacefully as if they were in a college club-room in America. The night on the front was what the French call "relativement calme."

Richardson used to have it for his workshop. That's all." "Have you got a window we can watch it from?" Mr. Moon turned ponderously round and without a word led the way to the first floor, puffing enormously on the stairs. "You can see it from the club-room," he said at length, "but this 'ere little place is better." He pushed open a door, and we entered a small sitting-room.

It was not all work, however, for the captain often took the boys for delightful spins upon the river in the Roaring Bess, and soon all the scouts were able to handle the yacht in a creditable manner. It soon became evident that they must have a building of their own where they could meet on wet days. The Commissioner had told them that there was nothing like a club-room for their meetings.

Essex's supply is from his son, which is more than he deserves, but Malden, I suppose, gives him a little of his milk, like the Roman lady to her father." Other glimpses might be taken such as would give point to Rowlandson's caricature of a later day in which he depicted a scene in "The Brilliants" club-room.

They can go driving, to a theatre where boxes are much more open and less like bathing-machines than ours to lunch in the big club-room an annexe to the exclusively male portion to which ladies are admitted and will be driven to and from a dance, and will receive afternoon calls without a chaperon. Results point overwhelmingly to its success from every point of view.

Then Rod told her about the troop which had been formed, the club-room, and the wonderful girl, to all of which Miss Arabella listened with much interest. "And do you mean to tell me that cranky old Captain Josh is looking after the scouts?" she demanded. "Sure. He's great," was the reply. "Well, I declare!" and Miss Arabella leaned back against the pillow as if exhausted by the idea.

We talked in a club-room and I happened to note the big steel chandelier above his head. If that should fall, this creature before me would mainly be carrion. "You see what I mean. He has spent every energy of his life here, in building the vesture. That which would escape from the inert poundage has not been awakened.