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I stood scratching my head and looking after her. That afternoon I posted a man acquainted with Hindustani to tap any message which might be sent to or from the cafe used by Chunda Lal. I learned that the Grand Duke had taken a stage box at the Montmartre theatre at which the dancer was appearing, and I decided that I would be present also. A great surprise was in store for me.

Being reinforced by large bodies of troops, the expelled garrison, swelled to the number of 3,000 men, formed an encampment near the town; but Clive took them by surprise in the night, slew great numbers, put the rest to flight, and returned to his quarters without a single casualty. Chunda Sahib sent 10,000 men, including 150 French soldiers, under his son, Rajah Sahib, to recover Arcot.

Mohammed Ali, whom the English recognized as Nabob of the Carnatic, was reduced to the possession of the single town of Trichinopoly, and even that was invested by Chunda Sahib, the rival nabob, and his French auxiliaries.

The garrison, struck with panic at the sudden coming of a foe, when they deemed themselves in absolute security, at once abandoned the fort, which they might easily have maintained until Chunda Sahib was able to send a force to relieve it. The city was incapable of defence after the fort had been abandoned, and Clive took possession of both, without firing a shot.

"Oh, Chunda Lal!" cried Miska piteously and extended her hands towards him. "No, no do not say it!" "So!" he whispered "I understand! You risk so much for him for me you risk nothing! If he the Doctor Sahib say to you: 'Come with me, Miska " "No, no! Can I never have one friend in all the world! I hear you call, Chunda Lal, but I am burning the envelope and Doctor Stuart finds me. I am trapped.

He represented to the officers of the post that if Trichinopoly, now besieged by Chunda Sahib and his French allies, should surrender, Mohammed Ali would perish, and French influence would become supreme. As the distance of Trichinopoly from Fort St.

"Muzaffar raised thirty thousand men, and Chunda Sahib six thousand it is always easy, in India, to raise an army; with a certain amount of money, and lavish promises marched down and joined a French force of four hundred strong, commanded by D'Auteuil. "The nawab advanced against them, but was utterly defeated at Ambur, the French doing pretty well the whole of the work.

"No, no, Chunda Lal," she moaned. "You have been my only friend, and I have tried to forget ..." "I will forswear Kali forever," he said fervently, "and shed no blood for all my life! I will live for you alone and be your slave." "It is no good. I cannot, Chunda Lal, I cannot." "Miska!" he pleaded tenderly. "No, no," she repeated, her voice quivering "I cannot ... Oh! do not ask it; I cannot!"

The Hindu rose, gazing before him with unseeing eyes. His forehead was wet with perspiration. Fo-Hi pointed to the knife. Chunda Lal, without removing his sightless gaze from the veiled face, stooped, groped until he found the knife and rose with it in his hand. Back stepped Fo-Hi, and back, until he could touch the big table.

Barlow was for keeping the tonga, hoping that perhaps Bootea would change her mind and go on to Chunda, but the girl was firm in her determination to end it all at Mandhatta.