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The doctor's friend was in the positive degree of hoarseness, puffiness, red-facedness, all-fours, tobacco, dirt, and brandy; the doctor in the comparative hoarser, puffier, more red-faced, more all-fourey, tobaccoer, dirtier, and brandier. 'Childbed? said the doctor.

Stowe records that the one of that autumn was such "a great death" that the Law Courts had to be transferred to St. Albans. But two things seem to speak in this curt document. Secondly, that if the mother of his two illegitimate children had lived with him in London as his wife, she must have just died perhaps in childbed, perhaps of the Plague. She is not in any way referred to.

That the King of Portugall is a very foole almost, and his mother do all, and he is a very poor Prince. 25th. To church, and heard a good sermon of Mr. Woodcocke's at our church: only in his latter prayer for a woman in childbed, he prayed that; God would deliver her from the hereditary curse of childe-bearing, which seemed a pretty strange expression. Out with Captn.

The violence of my mother's affliction had such an effect on her constitution that she was immediately seized with the pains of childbed; and had not an old maidservant, to whom she was very dear, afforded her pity and assistance, at the hazard of incurring my grandfather's displeasure, she and the innocent fruit of her womb must have fallen miserable victims to his rigour and inhumanity.

"They couldn't die better, cousin Yeo. Where's my girl Grace?" "Died in childbed." "Any childer?" "No." The old man covers his face with his hands for a while. "Well, I've been alone with the Lord these fifteen years, so I must not whine at being alone a while longer 't won't be long." "Put this coat on your back, uncle," says some one. "No; no coats for me.

And now this unhappy prince went to take a last view of his dear wife, and as he looked on his Thaisa he said: "A terrible childbed hast thou had, my dear; no light, no fire; the unfriendly elements forget thee utterly, nor have I time to bring thee hallowed to thy grave, but must cast thee scarcely coffined into the sea, where for a monument upon thy bones the humming waters must overwhelm thy corpse, lying with simple shells.

Afterwards followed the story of Lancelot of the lake, and that 'of Athens. And no sooner had the King reached Chieri than he was received with another pantomime, in which a woman in childbed was shown surrounded by distinguished visitors.

On the other hand, the same constriction which hinders the egress of the soul may prevent the entrance of evil spirits; hence we find rings used as amulets against demons, witches, and ghosts. In the Tyrol it is said that a woman in childbed should never take off her wedding-ring, or spirits and witches will have power over her.

"Then, of course, his complete mourning shows that he has lost some one very dear. The fact that he is doing his own shopping looks as though it were his wife. He has been buying things for children, you perceive. There is a rattle, which shows that one of them is very young. The wife probably died in childbed.

Woodcocke's at our church; only in his latter prayer for a woman in childbed, he prayed that God would deliver her from the hereditary curse of child-bearing, which seemed a pretty strange expression. Dined at home, and Mr. Creed with me. This day I had the first dish of pease I have had this year.