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This at least is a plausible reason for such an unnatural practice among a people so unquestionably child-lovers. The Marquesans had no totemism to save them. There were no exogamous taboos. The tribe or clan was the chief unit, not the family. The phratry tie was stronger than that of the father and mother.

And we are a nation of child-lovers. It is because we love the children that they do for us so great a good thing. It is for the reason that we know them and that they know us that we love them. We know them so intimately; and they know us so intimately; and we and they are such familiar friends!

But the rest of the house was free, and Jimmy was once more among the things he had never hoped to see again. Brennan's next step was to hire a middle-aged couple to take care of house and boy. Their name was Mitchell; they were childless and regretted it; they lavished on Jimmy the special love and care that comes only from childless child-lovers.

Now they were like two children like brother and sister wrapped up in each other, hardly conscious of any outer world, or, perhaps, still more like two child-lovers like Paul and Virginia grown old in years, but not in feelings. The Dictator loved humour, but he began to feel just now rather glad that there were some mortals who did not see the ridiculous side of life.

Man-eating among kindly men, child-murder among child-lovers, industry in a race the most idle, invention in a race the least progressive, this grim, pagan salvation-army of the brotherhood of Oro, the report of early voyagers, the widespread vestiges of former habitation, and the universal tradition of the islands, all point to the same fact of former crowding and alarm.

'Happy changes for one of the child-lovers, I said 'happy changes for the one who was then a lonely cripple shut out from all sympathy save that which the other child-lover could give. 'And yet you then seemed happy, Henry happy with Winnie to help you up the gangways. And how happy Winnie was!

If, now, the library by chance has on its staff a few altruistic, emotional, dramatic and irrepressible child-lovers who do not find ordinary library work gives sufficient opportunities for altruistic indulgence, and if the library can spare them from other work, let it set them at teaching the teachers the art of story-telling.