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The third son of an English baronet who owned a chicken-ranch near Los Angeles and a German count who sold Rhine wines to the best families also appeared; for that night Blakely's mother was to give such a dinner as had never before been given in Santa Barbara. an enterprising Los Angeles newspaper devoted a whole page to the coming event.

I cried, getting sharply to my feet; for we had been some time seated. "I wish it were the other. I don't don't relish going home to Jim with this!" "See here," said Nares, with ready tact, "I must be getting aboard. Johnson's in the brig annexing chandlery and canvas, and there's some things in the Norah that want fixing against we go to sea. Would you like to be left here in the chicken-ranch?

He asked her many questions; but his interest in the general subject was as nothing to the enthusiasm she aroused by a chance allusion to the chicken-ranch. The duke was agricultural above all things; he had a model estate bristling with scientific improvement.

Isabel took back her old home with another spasm of delight, and vowed that not until she was a pauper would she part with it again. Five or six days of every week must be spent on the chicken-ranch, which had grown to such proportions that she was now one of the persons that counted in her flourishing community.

You had better devote yourself to the dairy and to raising hay and grain, and turn about five hundred acres into a chicken-ranch nothing pays like that." He threw back his head and laughed as heartily as if death and disaster had never been. "From the English hustings and the greatest parliamentary body the world has ever known to chickens and butter in California!

I cried, getting sharply to my feet, for we had been some time seated. "I wish it were the other. I don't don't relish going home to Jim with this!" "See here," said Nares, with ready tact, "I must be getting aboard. Johnson's in the brig annexing chandlery and canvas, and there's some things in the Norah that want fixing against we go to sea. Would you like to be left here in the chicken-ranch?

The prospect fired his imagination, for, in common with most men, a chicken-ranch had appealed strongly to Harlan ever since he could remember. "Well," he began, slowly, in the tone which was always a signal of surrender. "Won't it be lovely," she cried ecstatically, "to have our own bossy cow mooing in the barn, and our own chickens for Sunday dinner, and our own milk, and butter, and cream?