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"No, I have one suit left, the handsomest even, but I expect a purchaser." "And the chausses?" "Well, if you look, you will see them on that chair." "Very well! since you have some chausses and a pourpoint left, put your legs into the first and your back into the other; have a horse saddled, and set off." "Not I." "And why not?" "Morbleu! don't you know, then, that M. de Guiche is at Etampes?"

"No, I have one suit left, the handsomest even, but I expect a purchaser." "And the chausses?" "Well, if you look, you will see them on that chair." "Very well! since you have some chausses and a pourpoint left, put your legs into the first and your back into the other; have a horse saddled, and set off." "Not I." "And why not?" "Mordieu! don't you know, then, that M. de Guiche is at Etampes?"

No helmet nor hauberk, whatever the armourer's craft, could have given surety from so mighty a blow. Blood and brains gushed from the wound. Frollo fell upon the ground, and beating the earth a little with his chausses of steel, presently died, and was still. When men saw this bitter stroke the burgesses and sergeants raised a loud cry.

"Yes, that is true; but let us give the proverb the lie, Porthos; let us make haste, and hold our tongue." "You see I am doing my best," said Porthos, putting on his haut de chausses. "Very well." "This is something in haste?" "It is more than that, it is serious, Porthos." "Oh, oh!" "D'Artagnan has questioned you, has he not?" "Questioned me?" "Yes, at Belle-Isle?" "Not the least in the world."

"What is your general estimate of doctors, lawyers, and ministers?" said I. "Wait a minute, till I have got through with your first question," said the Master. "One thing at a time. You asked me about the young doctors, and about our young doctors, they come home très bien chaussés, as a Frenchman would say, mighty well shod with professional knowledge.

You asked me about the young doctors, and about our young doctor. They come home tres biens chausses, as a Frenchman would say, mighty well shod with professional knowledge.

See, Lord of Arkell, you who can prate so loudly of Cods and lions: here before all, I dare you to face Count William's lions yourself!" The young Lord of Arkell was in his rich court suit a tight-fitting, great-sleeved silk jacket, rich, violet chausses, or tights, and pointed shoes.

Translated By Katharine Prescott Wormeley To Monsieur Eugene-Auguste-Georges-Louis Midy de la Greneraye Surville, Royal Engineer of the Ponts at Chausses. As a testimony to the affection of his brother-in-law, De Balzac Most persons have encountered, in certain provinces in France, a number of Chevaliers de Valois.

And there, within his little hut, the hermit Ambrose, Duke of Pentavalon that was, girt the armour upon Beltane the mighty, Duke of Pentavalon to be, if so God willed; first the gambeson of stuffed and quilted leather, and, thereafter, coifed hauberk and chausses, with wide sword-belt clamped with broad plates of silver and studs of gold, until my Beltane stood up armed in shining mail from head to foot.

Now, said Pantagruel, thou speakest naturally, and so let him go, for the poor Limousin had totally bewrayed and thoroughly conshit his breeches, which were not deep and large enough, but round straight cannioned gregs, having in the seat a piece like a keeling's tail, and therefore in French called, de chausses a queue de merlus. Then, said Pantagruel, St. Alipantin, what civet?