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"It does seem as if the Chattertons would never be done annoying us," said Jasper gloomily. "Now when we once get this girl fastened on us, there'll be an end to the hope of shaking her off." "Perhaps we sha'n't want to," said Polly merrily, "for Charlotte may turn out perfectly lovely; I do believe she's going to." And then she remembered her promise to Mrs.

True, a modern author may not be able to reproduce, without a palpable betrayal of affectation and mannerism, the precise characteristics of a bygone style. Chattertons are not numerous.

He scrambled on, writing for the booksellers and magazines, and living like the Otways, and Savages, and Chattertons of former days, though I do not know that he was in actual want. His connection with me terminated in begging a subscription or a guinea now and then. His last works were spiritual hymns, and which he wrote very well.

"To-day," she said, "there are many Chattertons who must die before the world will listen to them. Are you going to take your place amongst them?" He smiled confidently. "Not I," he answered. "I shall work with my hands if men will have none of my brains.

In due course they arrived at Abbencombe, and the car purred up to the station, where the Chattertons' limousine, sent to meet Nan, still waited for her. The transit from one car to the other was quickly effected, and Peter Mallory stood bareheaded at the door of the limousine. "Good-bye," he said. "And thank you, little pal. I hope you'll never find your moon out of reach."

"Another breadth or two would make it full enough, and cotton velvet will do, and come cheap," said Mrs. Falconer. "Cotton velvet!" cried Miss Georgiana. "I would not wear cotton velvet like the odious, shabby Miss Chattertons, who are infamous for it." "But on the stage, what eye could detect it, child?" said Mrs. Falconer.

A curious look of reminiscence came into Nan's eyes. "Oh, yes. I enjoyed myself. Very much." "I'm so glad. I thought the Chattertons would look after you well." "They did." She omitted to add that someone else had looked after her even better someone distinctly more interesting than dear old Lady Chatterton, kindest soul alive though she might be.

The Miss Chattertons any one of whom would, he knew, come readily within the terms prescribed, but then they had neither fortune nor connexions. A relation of Lady Jane Granville's excellent connexion, and reasonable fortune; but there all the decorum of regular approaches and time would be necessary: luckily, a certain Miss Petcalf was just arrived from India with a large fortune.

Society has never lacked men who have contented themselves with reproaching the Chattertons of their day with not being patterns of self-devotion, instead of physical or moral suicides; without ever asking themselves whether they had, during their lifetime, endeavored to place aught within the reach of such but doubt and destitution.

"Why, the Chattertons are fourteen miles from Abbencombe Station and it would be simply ghastly if they sent all that way to meet me and there was no me! Besides, there's a rehearsal fixed for ten o'clock to-morrow morning."