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For A. Chamier, see ante, i. 478, note 1; and post, April 9, 1778: for P. Metcalfe, post, under Dec. 20, 1782. W. Vachell seems only known to fame as having signed this Round Robin, and attended Sir Joshua's funeral. Who Tho. Franklin was I cannot learn.

Yet I really believe him to be an honest man at bottom, though to be sure he is penurious, and he is mean, and it must be owned he has a tendency to savageness." He did not remain above two or three years in the club; being in a manner elbowed out in consequence of his rudeness to Burke. Mr. Anthony Chamier was secretary in the War Office, and a friend of Beauclerc, by whom he was proposed.

Chamier to the place of deputy secretary-at-war; fifthly, that he was bound by some strong tie to the first Lord Holland. Now, Francis passed some years in the secretary of state's office. He was subsequently chief clerk of the war office. He repeatedly mentioned that he had himself, in 1770, heard speeches of Lord Chatham; and some of these speeches were actually printed from his notes.

Nugent, Beauclerk, Langton, Goldsmith, Mr. Chamier, and Sir John Hawkins were the other original members. Application was then made to the Society of Arts, which had been established five years previously by Mr.

I was to teach Civil and Scotch law ; Burke, politicks and eloquence; Garrick, the art of publick speaking; Langton was to be our Grecian , Colman our Latin professor ; Nugent to teach physick ; Lord Charlemont, modern history ; Beauclerk, natural philosophy ; Vesey, Irish antiquities, or Celtick learning ; Jones, Oriental learning ; Goldsmith, poetry and ancient history; Chamier, commercial politicks ; Reynolds, painting, and the arts which have beauty for their object; Chambers, the law of England . Dr.

The Authorities kept inviting owners to sell their beasts for "slaughtering purposes"; good prices were offered for "fat horses." The "fat" horses were all too few for fighting, and were reserved for fighting. The artfulness of "slaughtering purposes" can be appreciated accordingly. Wednesday was interesting, Colonel Chamier having persuaded Kekewich to let him off on a little expedition.

The chief of these were, in order of rising excellence, Captains Glascock, Chamier, and Basil Hall, and Michael Scott, a civilian, but by far the greatest writer of the four. It is not very well written, and in parts very dull, but provides some genuine things.

There she established a School of Industry for Girls, and her husband seconded her in all her good works. Mr. Chamier, the secretary, took a great interest in her school; Sir Frederick Adams subscribed 20 pounds, and officers and gentlemen in Madras contributed in five days 2,000 rupees. The school became an extensive orphanage.

He resigned his clerkship at the war office from resentment at the appointment of Mr. Chamier. It was by Lord Holland that he was first introduced into the public service. Now, here are five marks all of which ought to be found in Junius. They are all five found in Francis. We do not believe that more than two of them can be found in any other person whatever.

He resigned his clerkship at the war office from resentment at the appointment of Mr. Chamier. It was by Lord Holland that he was first introduced into the public service. Now, here are five marks, all of which ought to be found in Junius. They are all five found in Francis. We do not believe that more than two of them can be found in any other person whatever.