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Chakkra was also in place, when the Deputy waved his hand with the remark: "Oh, I say, I'd be glad of the chase, myself, but an official, you know, . . . and Lord, what a dog!" The last was as Nels swung around in front of Gunpat Rao's trunk as if formally to remark: "You see we are to travel together to-day."

Then Chakkra informed Skag that Kudrat Sharif, Neela Deo's mahout, was the third of his line to serve the Blue God, who was not yet nearly in the ictus of his power and beauty; while he, Chakkra, was the only mahout Gunpat Rao had known since he came down from the Vindhian trap-stockades, where he was snared. He was about thirty years younger than Neela Deo, the King.

. . . Chakkra then pointed out that when the grandson of his own little son should sit just here, behind the incomparable ears of his beloved the ears with linings like flower-petals so, looking out upon the world from a greater height than this then doubtless people would have learned that another mighty elephant had come into the world. Skag missed nothing of the talk.

Yet from time to time with a glance at the gun-case at his feet, he spoke with cold clearness: "We must overtake them before night." Chakkra, who had ceased singing, would bow, saying: "The trail is hot, Sahib. They are not far." Steadily beneath them, Gunpat Rao straightened out, lengthening his roll, softening his pitch. Nels was not trotting now, but in a long low run.

Then Chakkra shouted: "Gunpat Rao, prince of Vindha declares the chase is on! Hold fast, Sahib, we go!" The earth rose up and the heavens tipped. There was no foundation; the bulwarks of earth's crust had given away. The landscape was racing past but backward and Nels, yet ahead, was a still, whirring streak.

The pale one raced away from him, wheeling suddenly and coming in behind his head. His trunk came around feeling of Chakkra! "He wants Neela Deo! His heart is alone!" Chakkra cried out. "Pray the gods to send Neela Deo!" the mahouts answered together. And from the khud-wall behind them, a thundering challenge rolled down. It was like an avalanche of dynamic power.