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In these were placed eight millions of livres in cash; and twenty-eight millions in bank-notes were delivered to M. Lefevre, the Secretary-General of Marbois, who presented, in exchange, Bonaparte's bond and security for the amount, bearing an interest of five per cent. yearly.

Sometimes he was taken captive, and had his ransom to raise, to pay for in hard cash, and not in land: as in the case of Richard of England, when, on his return from Palestine, he was imprisoned in Austria, and it took to ransom him, as some have estimated, one third of all the gold and silver of the realm, chiefly furnished by the clergy.

He was terribly in want of cash, and as we all know Aby had entirely failed in raising the wind any immediate fund of wind on the occasion of his visit to the baronet; and now, when this morning came, old Mollett was early on the road.

He was not without hope of being able to move his jailor by a due administration of that which is generally more efficacious than all the flowers of elocution; but when he rose in the morning, he found his pockets had been carefully examined, and emptied of all his papers and cash.

I am looking around for an opportunity to invest some money with which I have been intrusted, but am making haste slowly in that respect," replied the other with a faint smile. "Well," remarked Job, "your business is just the opposite of mine. I am looking around to find some money. Do you know of anything that I could get to do, in order to make some cash?"

I supplied the brains, an' you've got to raise the cash to pay for 'em! How did I do that trick of slippin' the watch an' pin into Prescott's trunk! Oh, yes! Of course, ye wanter know. Well, I'll tell ye when ye hand me the rest o' the money for doin' the whole trick -then I'll tell ye."

"No, sir," she said, "but we have it in Turkey-red." Turkey-red again! I surrendered. "All right," I said, "give me Turkey-red." "How much, sir?" she asked. "I don't know say five yards." The lady looked at me rather strangely, but measured off five yards of Turkey-red calico. Then she rapped on the counter and called out "cash!" A little girl, with yellow hair in two long plaits, came slowly up.

"Cash down on the spot, guv'nor?" he asked. "Spot cash," replied Triffitt. "On this table!" "Well how would a couple o' fivers be, now?" asked the anxious one. "It's good stuff, guv'nor." "A couple of fivers will do," answered Triffitt. "And here they are." He took two brand-new, crackling five-pound notes from his pocket, folded them up, laid them on the table, and set a glass on them.

You will thus see that we have cultivation to look after in all the villages round about the factory which we can get in lease. The ryot, in return for his cash advance, agrees to cultivate so much indigo at a certain price, for which he gets credit in his rent. Such, shortly, is our indigo system.

Whenever he wants cash all he's got to do is to go out and cut a few more telegraph-poles O laugh if you feel like it, but I heard Miss Garnet tell her friends so just now, and I'll bet my head on anything that girl says."