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"Madame, messieurs, I have the honor to salute you." And with many a clink and jingle, he sprang into the saddle and clattered away in the wake of the slowly moving ambulance. At the corner of the Rue Royale, Gethryn saw the trooper stop a cab and point to the Obelisk. He went over and asked the canary-colored stranger, "Will you take her home, or shall I?"

They were the size of crows, and had bronzed wings, lined with white; but their most conspicuous color was a flaring yellow, which dyed their feet and their beaks and encircled their bold eyes like canary-colored rims of spectacles. Their usual voice was a hoarse croak that a raven might disavow, but they also emitted a disturbing rattle and a whistle, according to their moods.

Beads of perspiration clustered above his canary-colored eyebrows as he set down the glass with a gasp. Braith was watching the crowd. Presently he exclaimed: "There's Rex now," and rising, waved his glass and his cane and called Gethryn's name. The people sitting at adjacent tables glanced at one another resignedly. "More crazy English!" "Rex! Clifford!"

In the foreground was a slight fairy form, "a wee winsome thing," with coral lips, and large, soft blue eyes, set in a frame of short, clustering golden curls. She looked about six years old, and was clad, like her companions, in canary-colored flannel dress and blue- check apron.

He did not seem to be excited, alarmed, or discomposed. He gazed at me curiously. "So you risked your life to save mine, eh? you canary-colored teacher of infants." I blushed modestly, and drew my shawl tightly over my yellow flannel nightgown. "You love me, Mary Jane, don't deny it! This trembling shows it!" He drew me closely toward him, and said, with his deep voice tenderly modulated: