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For the notion was quite unthinkable, the notion I mean of my own dear image, called up like this without my knowledge, to turn my discreet way of life into a cake-walk. Sanctuaries She said, "How small the world is after all!" I thought of China, of a holy mountain in the West of China, full of legends and sacred trees and demon-haunted caves.

The manager waved his trumpet at me with a bright smile. "You see it works." The entire crowd fell in behind him in an ecstatic cake-walk, expressive of its joy and satisfaction, and so they went, around and around.

"Well," she exclaimed to Lad, in a relieved tone, "that's done! We're too late for the charades, but maybe we'll get back to the mill in time for the cake-walk." It would have been quite dark by the time she reached the cross-roads again, if it had not been that the moon was beginning to rise, and cast a faint whiteness over the dusky fields. She could not remember which way to turn.

Edward Harrigan, and all the more genuine for that, but there was a final cake-walk which owed its inspiration wholly to the genius of a race destined to greater triumphs in music and art, and perhaps to a kindlier civilization than our ideals have evolved in yet.

Bennett danced with silent irritation, and, striking a bare toe against the leg of a chair, seized his left foot and staggered into the arms of Webster, who had been preparing to drift off to the servants' hall. Linked together, the two proceeded across the carpet in a movement which suggested in equal parts the careless vigour of the cake-walk and the grace of the old-fashioned mazurka.

This suttenly am th' most kloslosterous conjunctivity of combativeness that I ever sagaciated!" and he began to do a sort of impromptu cake-walk. IT was now noon, but the adventurers did not think of dinner in the excitement of approaching the mysterious island. The speed of the ship was increased that they might the more quickly come to it.

After supper there was a dance, the table was pushed aside, and someone Joan saw with surprise that it was Daddy Brown pounded away at a one-step on the piano. Everyone danced, the men, since there were not enough ladies to go around, with each other. Fanny, wilder, gayer than ever, skirts held very high, showed off a new cake-walk in the centre of the room.