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Our big men am tired to def dat Massa Reade stop do men from havin' a little liquor and playin' cairds evenin's." "Fine!" thought Tom, with a start. "If Sambo knew how close I am he'd carry out his orders right now! He has his pistol with him." "An' den, if dey's any fuss made," the black went on, "Misto Hazelton, he done gottah go nex'. Maybe Ah get cotch' w'en I do fo' Misto Reade.

Without heeding her, the marquis went up to Falconer. 'Your card, sir. Lady Janet followed him. ''Deed ye s' get nae cairds here, she said, pushing him aside. 'So you allow your friends to insult me in your own house as they please, cousin Janet? said the marquis, who probably felt her opposition the most formidable of all. ''Deed they canna say waur o' ye nor I think. Gang awa', an' repent.

Cis-a-roe there raily insists. All I know about Sculpin is, one night I went down there, and we got to playin' cairds, and he acted green as a mess o' cowslops at fust, and then he cheated; and O, I can't, I can't tell the story. I wouldn't hurt Sculpin for the world. Carry me off, and stick me in jail, if you want to. I won't tell, so there!

When Hegel was thought in Germany to be obsolete, and everywhere the cry was 'back to Kant, some Scotch and English scholars, the two Cairds and Seth Pringle-Pattison, with Thomas Hill Green, made a modified Hegelianism current in Great Britain. They led by this path in the introduction of their countrymen to later German idealism.