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Oh, Mr. President, we owe so much to them! I should so much like, when I go back, to take them their promotions. 'It shall be done! was Lincoln's hearty response, and on the instant the promotions were ordered, and General Burnside had the pleasure of taking back with him to Foster, Reno, and Parke their commissions as Major-Generals."

The enemy was pressing down hard upon the battery which had been placed on the crest in front of the Eleventh. Burnside called for aid and General Rodman having been killed, Colonel Harland took command of the division, re-formed the disorganized regiments, and by his bravery the unsupported battery was rescued from capture. The fighting was ended. It was indeed a fearful day for the Sixteenth.

The campaign had been a new test for General Grant also, and it is instructive to follow him in grasping the details of his enlarged responsibility. When communication with Burnside became difficult and infrequent, he gave orders to Willcox at Cumberland Gap and to subordinates of Burnside in Kentucky and Ohio.

A. E. BURNSIDE, Major-General commanding. Accordingly, having seen General Burnside's forces move out of Knoxville in pursuit of Longstreet, and General Granger's move in, I put in motion my own command to return.

Hancock, who was at Todd's Tavern, was notified of Warren's engagement, and was directed to be in readiness to come up. Burnside, who was with the wagon trains at Aldrich's on our extreme left, received the same instructions.

Burnside did not deem it prudent to enter into controversy, but determined that nothing should deter him from carrying out the work that God had sent him to do. The circumstances were so discouraging that no ordinary man would have persisted in going on with it.

Greeting: Whereas his late Majesty George the Fourth was graciously pleased, by Letters Patent bearing date at Westminster, on the Thirty-first day of March, in the Second year of his Reign, to establish at Burnside, near the City of Montreal in the Province of Lower Canada, an University, the first College of which, by the said Charter, is called "McGill College," which Charter is in the following words: "George the Fourth, by the Grace of GOD, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith.

It is pretty old style, and not, I am afraid, in very good condition, but if you care for it " "Oh, Uncle Timmy! No matter how old it is or how shaky, we can use it." "Probably the older and shakier it is, the more valuable when it has been restored," suggested Mrs. Burnside. "I should say so," declared Jarvis, with emphasis. "You should have heard the Neil Chases rave over some of theirs.

I know many poor men who are fat, and some who dress very well; but this was not that kind of poor man. "Excuse me," he said mildly. "I didn't mean to be rude. I quite forgot." He came back, and Mr. Burnside shook hands with becoming coldness, as having just given a lesson in manners.

The day after the battle of Missionary Ridge I was ordered in the evening to return to Chattanooga, and from the limited supply of stores to be had there outfit my command to march to the relief of Knoxville, where General Burnside was still holding out against the besieging forces of General Longstreet.