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At his request a very careful map of the Huatanay Valley was prepared under the direction of Chief Topographer Albert H. Bumstead. Dr. Eaton, who had had no opportunity of seeing Peru, was invited to accompany us and make a study of the bones of modern Peruvian cattle as well as of any other skeletal remains which might be found.

"I knocked and knocked, but you kept on playing; and after I finally took the liberty to come in and pull you by the coat, it was ten minutes before you found it out." In an attempt to look into the speaker's inmost soul, Mr. BUMSTEAD fell into a doze, from which the crash of his accordion to the floor aroused him in time to behold a very curious proceeding on the part of Mr.

He had come into the room with the determination not to accept anything below a lieutenancy, but now made up his mind not to reject the post of orderly sergeant if it should be offered to him. The following list of officers, however will show that he was allowed no choice in the matter: Captain, Frank Frost. First Lieutenant, Charles Reynolds. Second Lieutenant, Richard Bumstead.

Thus, if I hide my watch when I am drunk, I must be drunk again before I can remember where. " "I'm norradrink'n'man, sir," returned Mr. BUMSTEAD, drawing coldly back from him, and escaping a fall into the fireplace by a dexterous surge into the nearest chair. "Th' lemon tea which I take for my cold, or to pr'vent the cloves from disagreeing with me, is norrintoxicating."

"You had a nephew," said his subtle companion, raising his voice, and not appearing to heed the last remark. "An' 'numbrella," added Mr. BUMSTEAD, feebly. "I say you had a nephew," reiterated the other, "and that nephew disappeared in a very mysterious manner. Now I'm a literary man " "C'd tell that by y'r-headerhair," murmured the Ritualistic organist. Left y'r wife yet, sir?"

CLEWS. That gentleman successively peered up the chimney, through the windows, and under the furniture of the room, and then stealthily took a seat near his rather languid observer. "Mr. BUMSTEAD, you know me as a temporary boarder under the same roof with you. Other people know me merely as a dead-beat. May I trust you with a secret?"