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In the "sea" itself, over which they now floated, they could see very little, but far to the left, on the 20th parallel, they could discern the vast crater of Bullialdus, 9,000 feet deep. On the right, they had just caught a glimpse of Purbach, a depressed valley almost square in shape with a round crater in the centre, when Ardan suddenly cried out: "A Railroad!"

KIES. A somewhat similar formation, S. of Bullialdus, about 25 miles in diameter, also encircled by a border of insignificant dimensions, attaining an altitude of 2400 feet at only one point on the S.E., while elsewhere it is scarcely higher than that of Lubiniezky. It is clearly polygonal, approximating to the hexagonal type. On the more distinct S. section a bright spur projects from it.

These statements, especially those relating to the length of the streaks, are utterly opposed to prevailing notions, but Professor Pickering specifies the case of the two familiar parallel rays extending from the north-east of Tycho to the region east of Bullialdus.

The ring mountain Landsberg, on the equator, and near the center of the visible eastern hemisphere, is worth watching because Elger noticed changes of color in its interior in 1888. Bullialdus, in the midst of the Mare Nubium, is a very conspicuous and beautiful ring mountain about thirty-eight miles in diameter, with walls 8,000 feet high above the interior.

The S. border of Bullialdus has been manifestly modified by the presence of the great ring-plain A, a deep irregular formation with linear walls, which is connected with it by a shallow valley.

The rampart of Bullialdus rises about 8000 feet above a concave floor, which sinks some 4000 feet below the Mare on the E. With the exception of the fine compound central mountain, 3000 feet high, there are few details in the interior.

LUBINIEZKY. A regular enclosure, about 23 miles in diameter, N.E. of Bullialdus, with a low attenuated border, which is nowhere more than 1000 feet in height. It is tolerably continuous, except on the S., where there are two or three breaks. Its level dark interior presents no details to vary its monotony.

A fine mountain range, the Percy Mountains, is connected with the E. flank of Gassendi, extending in a S.E. direction towards Mersenius, and defining the N.E. side of the Mare Humorum. BULLIALDUS. A noble object, 38 miles in diameter, forming with its surroundings by far the most notable formation on the surface of the Mare Nubium, and one of the most characteristic ring-plains on the moon.