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I know he defended the city like a brick, and " "Now vot for you shay dat, Penchamin? He no defend te city mit breek, he fight like goot soltyer mit his guns. You like make te fun mit effrysinks Tutch." "No! No! No! I said he defended the city LIKE a brick. That is very high praise, I would have you understand. We English call even the Duke of Wellington a brick."

The young woman blushed, and smiled, but said nothing; but the old woman turned sharply round and replied, "Well, now, it is better nor starvation; it is chape, an' it fills up an' that's all." "Is your son working?" inquired my friend. "Troth, he is," replied she. "He does be gettin' a day now an' again at the breek- croft in Ribbleton Lone.

Melsh Dick was no langer sittin' anent him, an' there was niver a squirrel left i' t' trees; all that he could clap een on was t' espin leaves ditherin' i' t' wind an' t' lile waves o' t' dub wappin' agean t' bank. "Doed was well-nigh starved to deeath wi' cowd an' hunger, an' t' poor lad started roarin' same as if his heart would breek.

Whar do ye expeck a widow woman like me can get five shillings for ony sic nonsense?" "Ye must not speak in that manner, honest woman," was my reply; "but just pay the fine." "In deed and truth, Mr Pawkie," quo she, "it's ill getting a breek off a highlandman. I'll pay no sic thing five shillings that's a story!"

Jacob looked puzzled, but his indignation was already on the ebb. "Vell, it ish no matter. I no tink, before, soltyer mean breek, but it ish no matter." Ben laughed good-naturedly, and seeing that his cousin was tired of talking in English, he turned to his friend of the two languages.

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