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Then her attention was diverted, as it always was each time she saw the blazing braziers and heaped up flaming piles of wood at the corners of the streets, since she had been in Russia. "How glad I am there is something to make the poor people warm," she said. "When it gets below twelve degrees it is difficult to enjoy life, certainly," the Prince agreed.

Having forced her to kowtow, Long Sin turned to the assembled devil dancers. "With magic and rare drugs," he chanted, "she shall be made to pass beyond and her body encased in precious gold shall be the consort of Ksing Chau forever and ever." He made another sign and several pots and braziers were brought out and placed on the dais beside Elaine.

Huddled round the rosy, flickering braziers, they sat profoundly silent in the storm and din that moved about them, rarely conversing with each other. I imagine that the stupefaction, which is the physiological reaction of an intense emotional and muscular effort, had not yet worn away. There were fine heads here and there.

We were back with the British regulars; and here, also, many of the men remained up around the braziers. The hours of duty of the few on watch do not take many of the twenty-four hours. One may sleep when he chooses in the little houses behind the breastworks. Night melts into day and day into night in the monotony of mud and sniping rifle-fire.

He prays the reader to help him, in a lawful manner, to hang up all those that take cent. per cent. for money. Another grievance, and most sorrowful of all, is that many gentlemen, men of good port and countenance, to the injury of the farmers and commonalty, actually turn Braziers, butchers, tanners, sheep-masters, and woodmen.

His infernal chatter would reveal us, for it seemed to me that there was no one in the place except us and the magic-workers. Then suddenly the spell was broken. The door was flung open and a great gust of icy wind swirled through the hall, driving clouds of ashes from the braziers. I heard loud voices without, and a hubbub began inside.

Enormous spits, loaded with meat, smoked before huge braziers, and wine ran in floods at tables prepared in the palace courts.

"We are within about sixty yards of the Germans," said Captain P at length, after we had gone in and out of the traverses and left the braziers well behind. Between the spotty, whitish wall of German sandbags, quite distinct in the moonlight, and our parapet were two mounds of sandbags about twenty feet apart. Snug behind one was a German and behind the other an Irishman, both listening.

This consists chiefly of braziers for charcoal and kesk'soo steamers for stewing meat and vegetables as well. A native café here attracts our attention. Under the shade of a covered way the káhwajî has a brazier on which he keeps a large kettle of water boiling. A few steps further on we light upon the sellers of native salt.

As it closed, the carriage drove away, the torches and braziers were extinguished, the main gate was closed once more, and all was as quiet as before this sudden interruption. "Well!" gasped De Catinat. "Is this another king's messenger they've got?" "There will be lodgings for two more here in a short time," said Amos Green. "If they only leave us alone, this cell won't hold us long."