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Mr Ewring had to pass four weary hours in the dungeon before it pleased Wastborowe to let him out. He spent it in conversing with the other prisoners, all of whom, save Agnes Bongeor, were arrested for some crime, and trying to do them good. At last the heavy door rolled back, and Wastborowe's voice was heard inquiring, in accents which did not sound particularly sober,

First came William Bongeor and Thomas Benold; then Mrs Silverside and Mrs Ewring; last, Robert Purcas and Elizabeth Foulkes. They were led out of the Head Gate, to "a plot of ground hard by the town wall, on the outward side," beside the Lexden Road. There stood three great wooden stakes, with a chain affixed to each. The clock of Saint Mary-at-Walls struck six as they reached the spot.

Do you marvel that I haste to do His work whilst it is day, or that I desire to be approved of Him?" "You go a queer way about it. "That is true but in some sense. Verily, the nearer some churches, and some priests, so it is. May I see Mistress Bongeor?" "Ay, you would fain not commit yourself, I see, more than may be. Come, you have a bit of prudence left. So much the better for you.

"Who was he, Hiltoft?" answered Mr Ewring with a smile, as he felt in his purse for the half-crown which was to be the price of his visit to Agnes Bongeor. "Eh, I don't know: I heard Master Doctor say the other day that his dog was as fierce as him." "Art sure he said not `Syracuse'?" "Dare say he might. Syracuse or Siccarus, all's one to me."

To two other places the cry penetrated: to Agnes Bongeor weeping in the Moot Hall because she was shut out from that blessed company; and to Margaret Thurston in her "better lodging" in the Castle, who had shut herself out, and had bought life by the denial of her Lord. The time is not far-off when we too shall be asked to choose between these two alternatives. Which shall it be with you?

There were many such robes made during the reign of Mary types of those fairer white robes which would be "given to every one of them," when they should have crossed the dark valley, and come out into the light of the glory of God. Only Agnes Bongeor and Helen Ewring had something else to part with.