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The only way this is ever going to be stopped is for us to make a spontaneous voluntary popular start in this country toward having a body for people in general, towards giving a hundred million people in dealing with their politicians, their trusts and labor unions, less bodilessness. We propose to give a hundred million people a face, a voice, a presence, a backbone, a grip.

Of bodilessness or incorporiety no one, even among those who say their God is incorporeal, pretend to have an idea. Abady insisted that the question is not what incorporiety is, but whether it be?

Why is it that we have in America a body for Germans, and then wilt down in a minute after Château-Thierry into bodilessness for ourselves, into treating and expecting everybody else to treat The People, the will, the vision, the glory, the destiny of The People as a Ghost unholy, cowardly, voiceless, helpless just a light in its eyes just a vast national shimmer at a world, without hands and without feet.

Of bodilessness or incorporiety no one, even among those who say their God is incorporeal, pretend to have an idea. Abady insisted that the question is not what incorporiety is, but whether it be?

The feeling of helplessness, of bodilessness the feeling the Public has every day in the White House and in the Senate, of being treated, and treated to its own face as if it was not there, is a feeling that works as badly one way as it does the other. The President does not want a Ghost. The people do not want to be treated as a Ghost.

Halfness, or double personality. Bodilessness. Big, impressive-looking Fool Moments. Cumulus clouds of Slow Sure Conceit with Sudden Flops of Humility. General Irresponsibleness.

It is this bodilessness in the Employer this very simple rudimentary whiffling communion the Employer has with his usually distinguished and accomplished Head Employee, which the Head Employee finds it hardest to bear. He says deliberately and out loud before everybody, so that everybody knows and the people of other nations, "Here is the man I would a little rather have than not." That is all.

I have believed they are going to be removed or mitigated the moment the Employer can be got to see how hard some of the traits are making it for the President to do anything for him. Bodilessness is the worst.

'You would not have thought, Violet, continued Arthur, 'that we had a ghost in the north wing. 'What was it? said Violet. 'You don't mean really? 'Only a Turk's-head broom, with phosphorus eyes, and a sheet round the handle, said Theodora. 'It had a grand effect when Arthur stood on the second landing-place, and raised it above the balusters a sort of bodilessness rising from vacancy.