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Du Tillet flung the noble commercial carcass to the little jackal, that he might torment it as he devoured it. After the meeting at which the creditors appointed the assignees, little Molineux returned home "honored," so he said, "by the suffrages of his fellow-citizens"; happy in the prospect of hectoring Birotteau, just as a child delights in having an insect to maltreat.

The official celebration would begin in the afternoon and last till sundown, so that all the governor's time must be fully occupied. But Bucklaw said, with great candour, that unfortunately he had to sail for Boston within thirty-six hours, to keep engagements with divers assignees for whom he had special cargo.

Kendall had warned him, for in a letter to his brother Richard, of October 15, 1857, he says: "I intend to withdraw altogether from the Atlantic Telegraph enterprise, as they who are prominent on this side of the water in its interests are using it with all then: efforts and influence against my invention, and my interests, and those of my assignees, to whom I feel bound in honor to attach myself, even if some of them have been deceived into coalition with the hostile party."

The creditors were disposed to be lenient. Doubtful securities were likely to realize more than was expected. The assignees were sharply scored for not taking the newspapers into their confidence.

The majority of Parisian failures stop short at this point, and the reason is as follows: The appointment of one or more permanent assignees is an act which gives opportunity for the bitterest action on the part of creditors who are thirsting for vengeance, who have been tricked, baffled, cozened, trapped, duped, robbed, and cheated.

Its identification is absolutely certain to the intelligence of judges and juries. And it is apparent that the interests of assignees, who are commonly publishers, are equal with those of authors, in making absolute and perpetual this property in which both are dealers. Another consideration follows here.

The contract to continue in force for twenty-five years, from the 1st of June, 1775, when the partnership commenced, notwithstanding the contract being of later date. Our heirs, executors and assignees bound to observance. In case of demise of both parties, our heirs, etc., to succeed in same manner, and if they all please, they may burn the contract.

Any one who is aware how many of what are called 'vulgarisms' in pronunciation are in fact 'archaisms, will naturally think that the ancient pronunciation of 'spoil, like the modern vulgar one, was 'spile. But if he goes to one old black letter say that printed by John Windet for the assignees of Richard Day in 1593 he will find in the fourth line 'defoile; and if he goes to another edition he may find 'defoyle; and he will learn that in speculating on such matters, he must be on his guard against modernisers, and go to originals.

Croke gives the reason thus: "For a covenant which runs and rests with the land lies for or against the assignee at the common law, quia transit terra cum onere, although the assignees be not named in the covenant." /1/ This is the reason which governed easements, and the very phrase which was used to account for all possessors being bound by a covenant binding a parcel of land to warranty.

'For God's sake, to the point, sir; I have all that by heart, said the Colonel. To Cosmo Comyne Bradwardme, Esq., pursued the Bailie, 'his heirs and assignees, simply and irredeemably, to be held either a me vel de me 'Pray read short, sir. 'On the conscience of an honest man, Colonel, I read as short as is consistent with style under the burden and reservation always 'Mr.