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Sulphurous acid, we may add, is the predominant smell in a copper-work; but arsenic acid, hydrofluoric acid, and even arseniuretted hydrogen, are not at all unfrequent. Melting the Calcined Ore. This is a totally different operation from the last: in place of roasting, it is one of fusion.

If no mark appears, the reagents are pure, and the suspected liquid may now be added. The hydrogen decomposes arsenious acid, and forms arseniuretted hydrogen. The gas carried off by a fine tube is again ignited.

"Have her moved," he cried to Aunt Josephine. "Then have a vacuum cleaner go over every inch of wall, carpet and upholstery." Standing beside her, he breathlessly explained his discovery. "That wall paper has been loaded down with arsenic, probably Paris green or Schweinfurth green, which is aceto-arsenite of copper. Every minute you are here, you are breathing arseniuretted hydrogen.

Put the substance to be tested into a flask with some small pieces of bread, sterilize for half an hour at 120° C. When cold, inoculate with a culture of Penicillium brevicaule, and keep at a temperature of 37° C. If arsenic is present, a garlic-like odour is noticed in twenty four hours, due to arseniuretted hydrogen or an organic combination of arsenic.

The free hydrogen passed up the furnace pipe and combining with the arsenic in the wall paper formed the deadly arseniuretted hydrogen." He cast the whole improvised electrolysis apparatus on the floor and dashed up the cellar steps. "I've found it!" he cried, hurrying into Elaine's room. "It's in this room a deadly gas arseniuretted hydrogen." He tore open the windows and threw them all open.

As he did so, I sniffed. There was an unmistakable odor of garlic in the air which made me think of what I had already noticed in Elaine's room. "What is it?" I asked, mystified. "Arseniuretted hydrogen," he answered, still engaged in verifying his tests. "This is the Marsh test for arsenic."

I learned later that the pipes which carried these floods of oil carried also considerable quantities of arseniuretted hydrogen. The blue flames that Mr. Astor and I noticed came from the fierce burning of this arseniuretted hydrogen as it hissed from oil vents in the trenches under the drive of powerful pumps.