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Withero took his pipe out of his mouth and spat in the ashes as a preface to a few remarks. "Aye," he grunted, "I cocked m' ears up an' dunched oul Jamie whin Armshtrong said that. Jamie cudn't hear it, so I whispered t' m'self, 'Begorra, if a wee fella turns up whin Anthrim turns 'im out it's little credit t' Anthrim I'm thinkin'!"

There was something so mysterious in that sudden exit that we just looked at our guest without understanding a word he said. Jamie opened up another line of inquiry. "Th' say yer a terrible liar, Hughie." "I am that," Hughie said without the slightest hesitation. "I'm th' champ'yun liar ov County Anthrim." "How did ye get th' belt?" "Aisy, as aisy as tellin' th' thruth."

"Did ye blow a farmer's brains out in th' famine fur a pint ov milk?" "It's a lie!" Jamie said, indignantly. "Well, me bhoy, there must b' quite a wheen, thrainin' fur me belt in Anthrim!" "There's something in that, Hughie!" "Aye, somethin' Hughie Thornton didn't put in it!" We youngsters were irritated and impatient over what seemed to us useless palaver about minor details.

A few yards from the hedge there was an ant-hill. "See thim ants?" "Aye." "Now if Withero thought thim ants hated aych other like th' men ov Anthrim d'ye know what I'd do?" "What?" "I'd pour a kittle ov boilin' wather on thim an' roast th' hides off ivery mother's son ov thim. Aye, that's what I'd do, shure as gun's iron!" "That would be a sure and speedy cure," Anna said, smiling.

A second ant came along, sized up the situation, and took a hand. "Ha, ha!" he chortled, "that's th' ticket, now kape yez eye on him!" The ants dragged the fly over the top of the hill and stuffed it down a hole. "Now," said Withero, "if a fella in Anthrim wanted a han' th' other fellah wud say: 'Where d'ye hing yer hat up on Sunday? or some other sich fool question!" "He wud that."

That's Withero fur ye an' wan ov 'im is enough fur Anthrim, that's why I niver married, an' that'll save ye the throuble ov axin' me whither I've got a wife or no!" "What church d'ye attend, Willie?" Jamie asked. "Church is it, ye're axin' about? Luk here, me bhoy, step over th' stile." Willie led the way over into the field. "Step over here, me girl." Anna followed.