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During the examination Professor Windsor would explain as he went along, and when finished, kindly gave the reporter the following written report: Anschlag's head measures twenty-two inches around the base of the brain and fourteen inches across the crown.

This measurement in different heads will show a comparative difference of three or four inches in many cases, though the heads may be smooth in contour and destitute of 'bumps. Just look at these two skulls, for instance," placing two ghastly objects on the table, which, by actual measurement, differed more than three inches. "Does Anschlag's head resemble either of these?"

A single life or a dozen lives which stand in the way of their accomplishing a purpose, are regarded by them as simply so many obstacles to be overcome, and if, as in Anschlag's case, the organs giving conscientiousness and fear of consequences are weak, they will not hesitate to destroy life to carry out a design."

Professor Windsor smoothed back Anschlag's long straight hair from his forehead and running his fingers through the murderer's hair, began to make an examination. As the professor was going through the preliminary movements, the brute trembled and turned color several times.

"Not in all particulars. This," holding up the broader of the two, "is the skull of Andrew J. McCannon, executed in Mississippi, more than forty years ago, for the murder of the Adock family, two adults and three children. It is a case of moral idiocy more pronounced than Anschlag's."

This morning, through the kindness of Jailor Henry Russell, an Express reporter was allowed to enter the cell of Fritz Anschlag, the condemned murderer of Charles Hitchcock and wife, of Garden Grove, to witness an examination of Anschlag's head by Prof. William Windsor, assisted by his wife.

I would not hold him responsible more than I would hold a horse, dog, or any other animal incapable of correct reason." "Where, then, would you fix the responsibility for the murder of the victims?" "Upon Anschlag's parents and ancestors generally, and upon the condition of society which permits marriages and sexual conditions in parents which can not bring about other than deplorable results.

If the question could be left entirely to his own judgment, he would be as absolutely incapable of solving it as a man who is color-blind would be incapable of distinguishing shades of color." "If Anschlag's head was as deficient in all points as he is in the region behind the ears, what would be the result?" inquired the reporter.