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That doesn't make it any easier to be a cur-dog. How did you know I lied? You say so, mighty positive but what are your reasons? Why don't you tell your associates? There is an honest man in this room. I am not sure there are not two " Anastacio's eyes again removed themselves from the ceiling. "If you mean me and somehow I am quite clear as to that " "I mean Mr. Breslin."

Such formidable weapons were not required for our purpose: they would have served well enough if we had been going out against Don Anastacio's fierce and powerful swine; but it was his order, and to his wild and warlike imagination the toad- like creatures were the warriors of some hostile tribe opposing us, I forget if in Asia or Africa, which had to be conquered and extirpated.

Nothing moved but that winding procession. Occasionally a coyote yapped or a wildcat yelled. Suddenly something fell against his face, pricking it gently. He looked over Anastacio's shoulder. They were passing into an open. The air was full of white, whirling particles. "It snows," said Anastacio; "but we are soon there." "We are in the Sierras," thought Roldan.

I believe that before Don Anastacio's time a few of these wild pigs had been kept as a curiosity at the estancia, and that when he came into possession he allowed them to increase and roam in herds all over the place, doing much harm by rooting up many acres of the best grazing land in their search after grubs, earthworms, mole-crickets, and blind snakes, along with certain roots and bulbs which they liked.

Both boys had a vision of deep beds and hot suppers on the ranchos of their respective parents, but they shut their teeth and raided the larder. There they found well-cured meats and dried fruits, which appeased their mighty appetites; then they went into Anastacio's hut, and wrapping themselves in the Mission blankets were soon asleep. It was Adan who awoke Roldan violently in the morning.

If you want to bait Kit Foy, do it yourself or set your city police on him." "I will." A faint tinge of color came to the clear olive of Anastacio's cheek as he rose. "But don't promise my place to any of them, sheriff. I might hear of it." "Stranger," said Ben Creagan, "you can't play pool! I can't and I beat you four straight games. You better toddle your little trotters off to bed."

They were almost upon the north and south ends of Anastacio's square after making a detour and advancing from a distance when the boys shouted a warning. In a moment arrows were flying to right and left; and the answering volley was far more deadly than the effects of firing up hill.