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Other tests would, but not this. But if the spot of human blood were less than the size of a pin-head, it would show it would show if the spot contained even so little as one twenty-thousandth of a gram of albumin. Blood from a horse, a deer, a sheep, a pig, a dog, could be obtained, but when the test was applied the liquid in which they were diluted would remain clear.

Vessels or nerves carrying the contents or impulses from the periphery to the center. An animal substance resembling the white of an egg. Albuminuria. A combination of the words "albumin" and "urine." Presence of albumen in the urine. That which affords nourishment; food. Pertaining to aliment, or food. The tube in which the food is digested or prepared for reception into the blood.

It destroys without the possibility of reconstitution, and it leaves a dangerous deposit of albumin. How do you feel?" "All right," I lied. We looked out again. The things that looked like fuses were not bombs, as I had expected, but big reinforced bottles of gas compressed at high pressure, with the taps open. The supply was not inexhaustible. In fact, it was decidedly limited.

Diarrhœa is sometimes present. The urine is usually scanty, of high specific gravity, rich in nitrogenous substances, especially urea and uric acid, and in calcium salts, while sodium chloride is deficient. Albumin and hyaline casts may be present in cases of severe inflammation with high temperature. The significance of general leucocytosis has already been referred to.

"Well," replied the doctor, slowly, "when his valet called me in, I must admit that my first impression was that I had to deal with a case of diphtheria. I was so impressed that I even took a blood smear and examined it. It showed the presence of a tox albumin. But it isn't diphtheria. The antitoxin has had no effect. No; it isn't diphtheria. But the poison is there.

The worm is serrated on the one side, each segment having 1 1/2 cusps. The urine pale, faintly acid at first, within the last week became almost neutral. There was considerable vesical irritation for the first week, with abundant mucus in the urine, specific gravity was 1010; there were no albumin nor tube-casts nor uric acid in the urinary sediments. Later there were pus-cells and abundant pus.

Albumin in urine, tendency to gout, and in women to abortion. Post-Mortem Appearances. Inflamed mucous membrane of stomach and intestines, with layers of white or whitish-yellow mucus, impregnated with the salt of lead. Treatment. Sulphate of sodium or magnesium, or a mixture of dilute sulphuric acid, spirits of chloroform, and peppermint-water. Milk, or milk and eggs.

The uncoagulated albumin is digested and taken up more easily by the baby's nutritive system than that which is coagulated. This is one of the reasons that babies do not thrive so well on cow's milk as on their natural food. The sugar of milk is not like refined sugar.

He should also notice if there are any signs of a struggle having taken place, if the hands are clenched, if the face is distorted, if there has been foaming at the mouth, and if urine or fæces have been passed involuntarily. Urine may be drawn off with a catheter and tested for albumin and sugar.

An example of a colloid is found in the albumin of an egg, which is unable to penetrate the membrane which surrounds it. Examples of crystalloids are found in solutions of salt and sugar in water. The inability of a colloid to penetrate a membrane is due to the fact that it does not form a true solution.