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There's no use having any of mine except Al get wise. You and the Doctor wait in the car, and we'll bring him out." Henry Blaine motioned to his operatives, with a curt wave of his hand, to follow Mac Alarney, and turning, he went out of the door and down the steps to his car, with the Doctor at his heels. "You don't suppose that he saw through your story, do you, Mr.

"You've got to look after your patient now." As the Doctor obeyed, Mac Alarney, with a shrewd gleam in his eyes, turned to the detective. "I think I'd better ride with him, too, Mr. Blaine," he observed. "You don't know who you can trust these days. Your ambulance driver may give you the slip." "All right, Mac!" Blaine assented, with bluff heartiness. "We'll both ride with him!

"Your men, in the other cars " Doctor Alwyn stammered, as they came to a crunching stop before the door. "Will they arrive in time to be of service? Mac Alarney will reach here first " "My men will be at his heels," returned Blaine, shortly. "They held back purposely, acting under my instructions. Come on now."

Carlis imprisoned for life, Mac Alarney and all the rest facing long years behind gray walls and iron bars oh, I know it is just; I remember what they did to my father and to me; and yet somehow in this glorious sunshine and with all the ages and ages just as bright, spreading before me, I can find charity and mercy in my heart for all the world!" "Charity and mercy," repeated Ramon soberly.

The thick-set Al went down like a felled ox, and Mac Alarney wavered under an avalanche of blows and crumpled to his knees. Handcuffed and securely bound, the two were bundled into Blaine's waiting car. "Paddington never double-crossed me!" groaned Mac Alarney, before the door closed upon him. "But you did, Blaine! Just as I meant to get him, I'll get you!

Henry Blaine noiselessly lowered their own window, and suddenly flashed an electric pocket light full in the heavy-jowled face, empurpled with inarticulate rage. "Is that your man?" he asked, quickly. "The one with the three fingers! Yes! That's the man!" whispered the Doctor, hoarsely. "That's Mac Alarney."