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"No; I knew America and Jonesville would have to see 'em a-goin' on, and actin', and a-plannin' which foot ort to be advanced first, and how many long breaths and how many short ones could be genteelly drawed by 'em durin' a introduction, and how many buttons their gloves must have, and how many inches the tops of their heads ort to come from the floor when they bowed, and whether their little fingers ort to be held still, or allowed to move a little.

"Oh, Peter!" exclaimed the old man, shaking his head, "I wonders at ye; arter me a-thinkin' an' a-thinkin', an' a-plannin' an' a-plannin' all these months arter me a-sendin' Black Jarge about 'is business " "Ancient, what do you mean?" "Why, didn't I out an' tell un as you was sweet on Prue " "Did you tell him that?" I cried.

Seem' which he says, 'This is one of the All-Night-Missions, come in an' I will see if you may stay until morning. "Thinkin' as how th' child might be sufferin' with the cold, I follered him in, a-plannin' to leave at daylight an' get across the river. I set down on a bench where he pointed me, an' when I got my breath I begun to look around.

Yoh see I'se a-plannin' first to buy a turkey whut'll take Job's place on de platter, an' den to give de Massa a gran' Christmas wif de rest o' de money what I gits foh maself, savin' out jus' enough to buy ma ol' turkey an' come to yoh first day after Christmas. It'll be hard to leave ol' Massa and Mis', but I reckons it's jus' gotta be done."

"Funny how just them few words that shiny man said has changed our hull feelin's 'bout the 'Harbor. Only this mornin', 'fore he come, we was a-plannin' how lovely 'twas; an' now now I just hate it!

They'll be lookin' fur us everywhere, 'cept right thar, an' while they're a-plottin' an' a-plannin' an' a-spreadin' out their nets, we'll be a-plottin' an' a-plannin' an' mebbe a-doin' too what we've undertook to do." "The very thing," said Henry. "A true strategic march," said Paul. "Looks like sense," said Silent Tom. "You do hev rays o' reason at times, Sol," said Long Jim.