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The national debt, less cash in the treasury, stood on July 1, 1894, after an increase during the previous fiscal year of $60,000,000, at $899,313,381. The old tariff issue had emerged again soon after the end of the war. The Morrill tariff of 1861 about restored the rates of 1846, and even those rates had, on many things, been very decidedly increased during the war.

The last state is such as the successive order is, from which it is formed and exists, 313. What was the primeval state, which is called a state of integrity, 355. Of the state of married partners after death, 45-54. There are two states into which a man enters after death an external and an internal state; he comes first into his external state, and afterwards into his internal, 47*.

In less than ten years after the Rebellion, the renovated theory of colonial autonomy had produced a new dilemma. It remained with Metcalfe's successor to decide whether Britain preferred a second rebellion and probable separation to a radical change of system. Kaye, Life of Lord Metcalfe, revised edition, ii. p. 313.

V, p. 639. "Collected Correspondence," p. 303. "Collected Correspondence," p. 132. Ibid., pp. 310-12. "Messages and Papers of the Presidents," Vol. VII, p. 585. "Collected Correspondence," p. 313. "Messages and Papers of the Presidents," Vol. VIII, p. 11. "Collected Correspondence," pp. 322-326. Ibid., p. 326. "Collected Correspondence," pp. 327-332. "Collected Correspondence," pp. 340-352.

Emeline's Letters, p. 313. "A regular Abbot of a Monastery in Italy, talking with me said 'Melius est habere nullam quam aliquem It is better to have none than any woman. I asked him what he meant; he replied, 'Because, when a person is not tied to one, he may make use of many; and his practice was conformable to his doctrine; for he slept in the same bed with three young women every night.

The amount drawn from the Treasury from July 1 to November 1, 1877, is $5,343,037.40, of which there is estimated to be yet available $1,029,528.30, showing the amount of actual expenditure during the first four months of the present fiscal year to have been $4,313,509.10.

That the ultimate state is such as the successive order is, from which it is formed and exists, is a canon which, from its truth, must be acknowledged in the learned world, 313. ULYSSES, companions of, changed into hogs, 521. UNCHASTITY, difference between, and what is not chaste, 139. Unchastity is entirely opposed to chastity, 139.

Imagine a plinth of flawless marble, 313 feet square, and rising eighteen feet from the ground that is the foundation of the wondrous structure. The Taj is 186 feet square, with dome rising to an extreme height of 220 feet; that is all. At each corner of the plinth stands a tapering minaret rearing its crown 137 feet; " four tall court ladies tending their princess."

In New Zealand women have the right to vote for members of the legislature, but they cannot be members themselves. The law extending the suffrage to them event into effect in 1893. The first election under the law was held in November of that year. Number of men who voted, 6,313; number of women who voted, 5,989.

Holland said, "By the way, contrary to some belief, the games didn't end upon Christianity becoming the dominant faith and finally the State religion. Constantine legalized Christianity in 313 A.D. but it wasn't until 365 that Valentinian passed a law against sacrificing humans to animals in the arena and the gladiator schools remained in operation until 399.