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I am compelled to have some of the horses shod to-day, and also to have a number of saddle-bags mended, which were torn by the scrub yesterday. This afternoon there is a great deal of thunder and lightning in the north and north-east. Monday, 25th March, Hamilton Springs.

During the interval between the dances, coffee is consumed by the senoras, and coffee with something, stronger by the senors; so that, as the, night advances, the merriment gets, if not "fast and furious," at least animated and imposing. 25th June, Sunday. We have all of us, given over working on Sundays, as we found the toil on six successive days quite hard enough.

Occasionally priests ride bicycles, but even this is looked upon with some suspicion. Into general society the priests go but little. They come together in each other's presbyteries for mutual counsel and to celebrate anniversaries, such as the 25th year of the ordination of one of their number.

"Eldest Prince, Heir-Apparent," do not speak of him, Small Devil, for you are misinformed in every feature and particular: enough, "he is fac-simile of his Brother. "Prince Henri, who is just going to be married," thank you, Demon, for reminding us of that. Bride is Wilhelmina, Princess of Hessen-Cassel. Marriage, 25th June, 1752; did not prove, in the end, very happy.

The subjoined is the Imperial order, elevating me to the Marquisate: My Secretary of State will expedite the necessary patent which I communicate to your Excellency for your information. God preserve your Excellency many years. Palace of Rio de Janeiro, 25th of November, 1823.

Sirboko, afraid to return to the coast lest he should be apprehended for debt, has resided here ever since, doing odd jobs for other traders, increasing his family, and planting extensively. His agricultural operations are confined chiefly to rice, because the natives do not like it enough to be tempted to steal it. 25th to 2d.

It was published on the 25th of March, the third day of the continuous debates, and, although Mr. Asquith said it contained "all the material documents," it was immediately apparent to members who had closely studied the admissions that had been dragged from the Ministers chiefly concerned, that it was very far from doing so. Much the most important documents had, in fact, been withheld.

The notables had themselves recognized their own impotence and given in their resignation. A formal closing session took place on the 25th of May, 1787.

On the 25th we had a sight of the island of Gallo, and hence we crossed the Bay of Panama. Being now in a rainy climate, which we had been long disused to, we found it necessary to caulk the sides of the Centurion, to prevent the rain-water from running into her.

Eventually, to Madame Dorval's and Balzac's disappointment, Madame Lacressoniere, who had much influence with Hostein, was entrusted with the heroine's part; and the tragedy was produced at the Theatre-Historique on May 25th, 1848.