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The original area of public domain amounted to 1,815,504,147 acres, of which considerably more than half, embracing some of the very best agricultural, grazing, mineral and timber lands, was already alienated by the year 1880. By 1896 the alienation reached 806,532,362 acres.

Colloquies, i. 253. Colloquies, i. 171. Ibid. i. 178. Ibid. i. 169. Ibid. i. 167. Ibid. i. 170. Ibid. i. 194. Ibid. ii. 247. Colloquies, ii. 259. Ibid. i. 109. Ibid. ii. 105-7. Ibid. i. 106. Ibid. i. 47. Life and Correspondence, iv. 195; Selections, iii. 45. Colloquies, i. 62. Colloquies, i. 135. Ibid. ii. 147. Southey is here almost verbally following Burke's Reflections.

There was, therefore, a balance of $1,479,054.37 remaining unexpended and to the credit of the Department on June 30, 1879. The estimates for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1881, are $14,864,147.95, which exceeds the appropriations for the present fiscal year $361,897.28. The reason for this increase is explained in the Secretary's report.

In six of the twenty-two cantons, if a certain number of voters petition for it, the question must be submitted to the people whether or not the legislature shall be recalled and a new one elected. The lower house is elected by districts, as in the United States, the basis of representation being one member to 20,000 inhabitants, and the number of members 147.

More boys than girls are always born in civilized lands; and of native white people born of native parents in the United States there were, in 1910, 25,229,294 males and 24,259,147 females, a difference obviously due to natural causes.

REVOLVER OR PISTOL RANGE PRACTICE. The courses in range practice are given in paragraphs 147 to 199, Small Arms Firing Manual, 1913. Guards may be divided into four classes: Exterior guards, interior guards, military police, and provost guards. Exterior guards are used only in time of war.

There is a corresponding magnetic pole in the Antarctic Ocean, or rather on Victoria Land, nearly south of Australia. Its position has not been so exactly located as in the north, but it is supposed to be at about 74 degrees of south latitude and 147 degrees of east longitude from Greenwich.

The French also, with a hemispherical iron reflector backed with Portland cement, increased the bell range in the ratio of 147 to 100 over a horizontal arc of 60°, beyond which its effect gradually diminished. The actual effective range of the bell sound, whatever the bell size, is comparatively short, and, like the gong, it is used only where it needs to be heard for short distances. Mr.

The men were helpless except as a union; the roads were sure of keeping the upper hand if they dealt with the men individually or in small groups. When attempts at conference failed, the miners struck and from May 12 until October 23 nearly 147,000 of them remained idle. The total loss to miners and operators was nearly $100,000,000.

Ann's and burnt 147 dwelling houses, 2 mass-houses, besides all their barns, stables, out-houses, granaries, &c. He returned down the river about where he found a house in a thick forest, with a number of cattle, horses and hogs; these he destroyed.