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I mean to introduce you to Cherbury, but I could not resist visiting some old spots. Her voice faltered in these last words. They re-entered the terrace-room together, and joined her mother. 'Nothing is changed, mamma, said Venetia, in a more cheerful tone. 'It is pleasant to find something that is the same. Several days passed, and Lord Cadurcis evinced no desire to visit his inheritance.

The effort, however, must be made; it was too late to recede; and Lord Cadurcis, entering the terrace-room, extended his hand to Lady Annabel Herbert. She was not in the least changed, but looked as beautiful and serene as usual.

Lady Annabel was glad to find herself by her fireside in her little terrace-room, and Venetia fetching her book, read to her mother until their dinner hour. Two serene and innocent years had glided away at Cherbury since this morning ramble to Cadurcis Abbey, and Venetia had grown in loveliness, in goodness, and intelligence.

The Doctor shook hands warmly with Lady Annabel, and patted Venetia on her head, as she ran up from a little distance, with an eager countenance, to receive her accustomed blessing. Then mounting his stout mare, he once more waived his hand with an air of courtliness to his hostess, and was soon out of sight. Lady Annabel and Venetia returned to the terrace-room.

'Oh! my lady, said Mistress Pauncefort, as she met Lady Annabel returning in the vestibule, 'Doctor Masham is here. 'Is he? said Lady Annabel, as calm as usual. 'I will see him before I lie down. Do not go into Venetia's room. She sleeps, and Mr. Hawkins has promised me to let me know when she wakes. As Lady Annabel entered the terrace-room, Doctor Masham came forward and grasped her hand.

'Now, Venetia! dearest Venetia! she said, ''tis past; we are at home. Venetia leant upon her mother, but made no reply. 'Upstairs, dearest, said Lady Annabel: 'a little exertion, a very little. Leaning on her mother and Lord Cadurcis, Venetia ascended the staircase, and they reached the terrace-room.

They were called with a gay summons to see a colossal snow-ball, that some of the younger servants had made and rolled to the window of the terrace-room. It was ornamented with a crown of holly and mistletoe, and the parti-coloured berries looked bright in a straggling sunbeam which had fought its way through the still-loaded sky, and fell upon the terrace.

When the medical men had withdrawn to consult in the terrace-room, Lady Annabel beckoned to Pauncefort, and led her to the window of Venetia's apartment, which she would not quit. 'Pauncefort, said Lady Annabel, 'Venetia has been in her father's room. 'Oh! impossible, my lady, burst forth Mistress Pauncefort; but Lady Annabel placed her finger on her lip, and checked her.

I pretend not to love you more at this moment than when I first saw you, when you entered the terrace-room at Cherbury and touched my cheek. From that moment I was yours. I declare to you, most solemnly I declare to you, that I know not what love is except to you. The world has called me a libertine; the truth is, no other woman can command my spirit for an hour. I see through them at a glance.

As after the Friday afternoon he had spent more or less in hiding in the terrace-room, his lady had judged it wiser for him not to come at all to Lucerne, and on the Saturday had met him at a quiet part of the shore of the lake, beyond the landing-steps of the funiculaire, and for a few short hours they had cruised about on the blue waters but her sweetest tenderness and ready wit had not been able entirely to eliminate the feeling of unrest which troubled them.