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Istra ought not to drink so many cordials, nix on the booze you learn when you try to keep in shape for flying, though Tad Warren doesn't seem to learn it. After ten we went to studio where Istra is staying on Washington Sq. several of her friends there and usual excitement and fool questions about being an aviator, it always makes me feel like a boob.

"Public Relief and Private Charity," p. 105. See on this subject the Proceedings of the Twenty-fourth National Conference of Charities and Correction at Toronto, 1897, pp. 5 sq. Miss Z. D. Smith in Report of Union Relief Association of Springfield, Mass., 1887. "Charities Record," Baltimore, Vol. I, No. 1. Seventh Report of Boston Associated Charities, p. 39.

From 1846 to 1848 Stringfellow worked on what is really an epoch-making item in the history of aeronautics the first engine-driven aeroplane which actually flew. The machine in question had a 10 foot span, and was 2 ft. across in the widest part of the wing; the length of tail was 3 ft. 6 ins., and the span of tail in the widest part 22 ins., the total sustaining area being about 14 sq. ft.

The following table represents the process of expansion from the time when Ivan III. united the independent principalities and threw off the Tartar yoke, down to the accession of Peter the Great in 1682: English Sq. Miles. In 1505 the Tsardom of Muscovy contained about 784,000 " 1583 " " " " 996,000 " 1584 " " " " 2,650,000 " 1598 " " " " 3,328,000 " 1676 " " " " 5,448,000 " 1682 " " " " 5,618,000

51,000,000 sq. miles the dry surface of the earth x 27,878,400 the number of sq. ft. in 1 sq. mile = sq. ft. 1,421,798,400,000,000 being 531,326,600,000,000 square feet less than would be required at the end of the ninth year.

Collateral Readings: "The Settlement and Municipal Reform," James B. Reynolds in Proceedings of Twenty-third National Conference of Charities, pp. 138 sq. "Benevolent Features of Trades-Unions," John D. Flannigan in the same, pp. 154 sq. "The Ethical Basis of Municipal Corruption," Miss Jane Addams in "International Journal of Ethics," for April, 1898. "The Workers," Walter A. Wyckoff.

Série, ii. pp. 427-429. Op. cit. pp. 428 sq. H. Dessau, Inscriptiones Latinae Selectae, vol. ii. Pars i. É. Hublard, op. cit. p. 39, quoting Dom Grenier. M. Desgranges, "Usages du Canton de Bonneval," Mémoires de la Société Royale des Antiquaires de France, i. A. de Nore, op. cit. p. 302. N. Hocker, op. cit. pp. 89 sq.; W. Mannhardt, l.c.

Yea and on the Sun I call, Whose orb scans all things; look on me and see How I, a god, am wronged by gods. Lewis Campbell, line 85 sq. The minor Nature-worship has to do with rivers and springs, with trees and groves, with crops and fruits, with rocks and stones, and with the lower animals.

E. Hoffmann-Krayer, "Fruchtbarkeitsriten im schweizerischen Volksbrauch," Schweizerisches Archiv fur Volkskunde, xi. pp. 244-246. E. Hoffmann-Krayer, op. cit. p. 246. J. Grimm, Deutsche Mythologie,* i. 505. "Old-time Survivals in remote Norwegian Dales," Folk-lore, xx. pp. 314, 322 sq.

There was, every year at Eleusis, a solemn and lengthy procession or pilgrimage made, symbolic of the long pilgrimage of the human soul, its sufferings and deliverance. Cheetham, op. cit., pp. 49-61 sq. See Farnell, op. cit., iii. 158 sq. See The Golden Ass. Farnell, ii, 177. "Almost always," says Dr.