United States or Costa Rica ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

He has more to say of Rogers and Lord Jeffrey, and other pets of aristocratic circles, those who were conventionally favored, like Sydney Smith; or those who gave banquets to people of fashion, like Lord Lansdowne.

I shall always remember you. And so they parted. After that he did go into the City, and succeeded in finding both Mr Smith and Herr Croll. When he reached Abchurch Lane, the news of Melmotte's death had already been spread abroad; and more was known or said to be known, of his circumstances than Nidderdale had as yet heard.

Before I could find words to reply she gathered up her cloak and ran. I heard the whir of a restarted motor at no great distance, and, in the instant that Nayland Smith came running down the steps, I knew that I had nodded at my post. "Smith!" I cried as he joined me, "tell me what we must do!" And rapidly I acquainted him with the incident.

Peter stopped one evening at a smith's and received free quarters. Then it came to pass that a poor beggar, hardly pressed by age and infirmity, came to this house and begged alms of the smith. St. Peter had compassion on him and said, "Lord and master, if it please thee, cure his torments that he may be able to win his own bread."

I followed with one of the later boats and found McClernand had stopped, very properly, nine miles below Fort Henry. Seven gunboats under Flag-officer Foote had accompanied the advance. The transports we had with us had to return to Paducah to bring up a division from there, with General C. F. Smith in command.

I was hurrying across the edge of the eighteenth green when someone shouted to me. "Hello, Smith!" I turned and saw Marshall and Chilvers. Marshall pitched his ball to the green with more than his usual deliberation, and then they came toward me and I advanced to meet them.

Austin who, good man, was obviously unfit for the leadership of an army, about to enter upon a desperate war against great odds. When Ned was excused, and left the tent he found that Smith, Karnes and the rest of their force had come up. The camp which was more like that of hunters than of an army, was in joyous mood.

By the Lord Harry! Who would have thought it? I'm at number sixteen! Let me count, yes! surely I must have made a mistake. A fact, by Heaven!" continued Mr Appleboy, throwing the chalk down on the table. "Only one more glass, after this; that is, if I have counted right I may have seen double." "Yes," drawled Smith. "Well, never mind. Let's go on with my story.

When the results of the polling were announced, the agent relieved his feelings by denouncing the delinquent half-breeds in true Hudson's Bay style, and at every opprobrious and profane epithet Smith was heard to murmur with sympathetic approval, 'Are they not, Mr ? are they not? are they not?

It is not hard to conjecture who his advisers were on this occasion. This clause met with more opposition than the former one, but only from a small band of kind, good-hearted men, Smith O'Brien called it a cruel enactment; but as he had heard the Government were for it, he knew, he said, to remonstrate against it was useless. Mr.