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In native fertility the soil is not surpassed, I believe, by any part of Africa. From the central situation of Bondou, between the Gambia and Senegal rivers, it is become a place of great resort, both for the slatees, who generally pass through it on going from the coast to the interior countries, and for occasional traders, who frequently come hither from the inland countries to purchase salt.

While their trade was carried, especially from Gades, into Luisitania and Gallaecia on the one hand, and into North-western Africa on the other, reaching onward past these districts to Gaul and Britain, to the Senegal and Gambia, possibly to the Baltic and the Fortunate Islands, the range of their settlements was more circumscribed.

Senegal regiments, and Niger and Timbuctoo." "Regiments?" said Graham, "I thought there was only one ." "No," said Asano, and glanced at him. "There is more than one." Graham felt unpleasantly helpless. "I did not think," he began and stopped abruptly He went off at a tangent to ask for information about these Babble Machines.

Senegal regiments, and Niger and Timbuctoo." "Regiments?" said Graham, "I thought there was only one " "No," said Asano, and glanced at him. "There is more than one." Graham felt unpleasantly helpless. "I did not think," he began and stopped abruptly. He went off at a tangent to ask for information about these Babble Machines.

Both have been freely accused of supplying the Ashantis with arms and ammunition during the last war. Similarly the Gambia is said to have supported the revolteds of Senegal. The site is vile, liable to be flooded by sea and rain. It admits small craft, and we see the masts of a schooner amid the trees.

For Hanotaux, Richelieu is 'the true founder of our colonial empire, and La Roncière adds: 'Madagascar, Senegal, Guiana, the Antilles, Acadia, and Canada this, to be exact, was the colonial empire for which we were indebted to Richelieu. Regarding his breadth of outlook there can be no doubt, and in his Memoirs he left the oft-quoted phrase: 'No realm is so well situated as France to be mistress of the seas or so rich in all things needful. Desiring to strengthen maritime commerce and to hold distant possessions, he became convinced that the English and the Dutch had adopted the right policy.

Spain regained Minorca and Florida; France regained Senegal, Goree, and several West Indian Islands. The only quarter of the world in which Britain had lost nothing was the quarter in which her interests had been committed to the care of Hastings. In spite of the utmost exertions both of European and Asiatic enemies, the power of our country in the East had been greatly augmented.

He served his time in the army in Senegal, and when he was mustered out moved to the French Congo and began to trade, in a small way, in ivory. Now he's the biggest merchant, physically and every other way, from Stanley Pool to Lake Chad. He has a house at Brazzaville built of mahogany, and a grand piano, and his own ice-plant. His wife was a supper-girl at Maxim's.

We were desirous of going on shore, but we had such dangers to encounter. However we soon came to a decision, when we saw a caravan of Moors on the coast. We then stood a little out to sea. According to the calculation of our commanding officer, we would arrive at Senegal on the morrow.

Every ship which sails from Portugal for the coast of Africa is supplied with some of these negro interpreters, who consist of slaves that had been sold by the lords of Senegal to the first Portuguese who touched on the coast, and who have learnt the Portuguese language and become Christians.