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The teeth differ in no respect from those of a Seychelles Chagrin; they are conical, sharply pointed, recurved, with the base of attachment swollen.

The flowers spring from the outside of the depressed top of the stem, two or three opening together and forming a beautiful picture, both as to size and colour. The tube is short and green, with a row of long green sepals at the top, and above these the petals, which are 2 in. long, overlapping, recurved, the edges toothed, and the colour a brilliant cinnabar-red.

Each of these branches is surrounded by many rings of long, wicked, recurved thorns, as sharp and strong as steel fish-hooks, and nearly as difficult to dislodge. The hunter who encounters a thicket of 'bejuco' goes around it, or turns back, for it is hopeless to try to go through. While he frees himself from the grasp of one thorn, a dozen more have caught him somewhere else.

The woodpecker, which has a similar extensile mechanism for exserting its tongue to a great length, also uses it to procure its food in its case soft grubs from holes in rotten trees and to enable it to pull these out, the end of the tongue is sharp and horny, and barbed with short stiff recurved bristles.

Even in a young state the Constantinople Hazel is readily distinguished from the common English species, by the softer and more angular leaves, and by the whitish bark which comes off in long strips. The stipules, too, form an unerring guide to its identity, they being long, linear, and recurved. COTONEASTER BACILLARIS. Nepaul, 1841.

Flowers terminal, erect, with several whorls of spreading, recurved petals, the lower ones tinged with crimson, the upper pale yellow, and forming a shallow cup, 2 in. across; anthers forming a compact sheaf in the centre. Flowers in summer. This distinct and very pretty species was introduced many years ago from Mexico, where it was discovered in 1845 by a Mr.

At the base of the tubercles there is a dense tuft of white wool, and springing from the furrows are eight radiating recurved spines, and three short central ones, all strong, stiff, and ivory-white, tipped with brown.

The spines are ½ in. long, slightly recurved, flattened, and pale brown. Flowers large, clustered on the top of the stem, about half a dozen opening together; width 2 in.; petals numerous, narrow, toothed at the tips, spreading; colour a deep sulphur-yellow, anthers orange. Native of Oaxaca, Mexico. Flowering season, July. Introduced 1840.

The nock itself was square shouldered and terminated in a pin half an inch in diameter and an inch long. The wood was obtained by splitting a limb from a tree and utilizing the outer layers, including the sap wood. By scraping and rubbing on sandstone, he shaped and finished it. The recurved tips of the bow he made by bending the wood backward over a heated stone.

The Mohammedan arch is suited better to materials, like wood and iron, which sustain themselves in part by cohesion, than to stone, which depends upon gravitation alone. Although it stands in stone in a long cordon of colonnades from the Ganges to the Guadalquivir, the eye never quite reconciles itself to the suggestion of untruth and feebleness in the recurved base of the arch.