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"We might tie a rope to something," said James, "before we went up, and so pull ourselves down." "Yes, that you might do." "And could not we flap our hands, like a bird, and so fly a little?" "Perhaps you could," said his father.

Each morning that lights the world is an expression of 'to be'! And however much we may regret the fact, my dear Vergniaud, we find ourselves in a state of BEING and we must make the best of it, not the worst. Is that not so?"

He keenly suspected that she was marrying Paul for his money for the position he could give her in the world. "We must be careful," he said. "We must place clearly before ourselves the risks that we are running before we come to any decision. For you the risk is simply that of unofficial banishment.

To sit five minutes quietly taking long breaths to get a sense of leisure every day will be of very great help and then when we find ourselves hurrying, let us stop and recall the best quiet we know that need only take a few seconds, and the gain is sure to follow.

"You and Rust did not love one another," I grunted. "No. We were not the real thing, but we made ourselves into quite a plausible imitation." Madame pursued her programme with indefatigable ardour and patience.

The Resurrection itself, in one aspect of it, was but the symbol, the "sign," of that victory which was already achieved upon the Cross. But what has this to do with us? It cannot be too often repeated, that it has nothing to do with us, if Christ be merely "Another," separate from us as we are, or imagine ourselves to be, separate from each other.

And if we would not have them to make too much of our defects and blunders, we must not make too much of theirs. If they can bear with us, we must learn to bear with them, and think ourselves well off to have things settled so. If we could see ourselves as God sees us, we might be more astonished that others should be able to bear with us, than that we should be required to bear with them.

And if only you give thought to it, you will see there is no young fellow here who could give you such a future as I can; because if you marry me we shall live like human beings, and not have to kill ourselves tending cattle and grubbing in the earth in this out-of-the-way comer of the world." They returned to the house.

We are all telling news about the world and about ourselves all the time and we are all in a position for news all the time. What is it from hour to hour and day to day that we will do and we will not do? This news about us is the religion in us. The average man is coming to have very accurate ideas of late as to just where his religion is located.

Our commonest acceptance of society involves self- sacrifice, and in all our trivial intercourse we expect to put ourselves to unrewarded inconvenience for the sake of others.