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But these were all quelled by the standing army which was also supplied with free air for the good service they were capable of rendering to the monopolists. The multitude of laboring people could do as they chose, that is, work like slaves and live, or refuse to tolerate the monopoly and die. Many were the pitiful scenes witnessed in all parts of the land.

Bear with me a little longer. And now can you help me to a lawyer? a man experienced, indeed, and of repute, but young, active, not overladen with business; I want his zeal and his time, for a hazard that your monopolists of clients may not deem worth their devotion." "I can recommend you, then, the very man you require.

It would still be as obvious to their consciousness as the glittering pompon on Mrs. Greenman's bonnet that themselves were the consistent and natural monopolists of the favor of their Creator! But Mr. Carew went on: "We may find our two very illuminating little words in another text almost equally familiar.

If the tax had been considerable, it would have oppressed the small, and forced almost the whole retail trade into the hands of the great dealers. The competition of the former being taken away, the latter would have enjoyed a monopoly of the trade; and, like all other monopolists, would soon have combined to raise their profits much beyond what was necessary for the payment of the tax.

There is no monopoly, it seems to me, which bears such evil fruit as the monopoly of all the land of a country in the hands of a few. It is bad for the country, bad for the people, and bad for the landlords, whether the monopolists are honorable companies, a landed aristocracy, or an ecclesiastical corporation.

If this be the case, then the only effect of this avarice of desolation, this hoarding of a royal wilderness, would be to raise the value of the possessions in the hands of the great private monopolists without any adequate cheek to the growing and alarming mischief of population. But if you stopped your grants, what would be the consequence? The people would occupy without grants.

At the present time the device of coincidence is left to its true monopolists, the Society for Psychical Research and the manufacturers of the penny dreadful.

It was possible that the monopolists, encouraged by the extraordinary stupidity and apathy of the people would proceed to lay upon them even greater burdens, until at last, goaded by suffering, and not having sufficient intelligence to understand any other remedy, these miserable wretches would turn upon their oppressors and drown both them and their System in a sea of blood.

Such, in truth, was too long the vicious principle of those monopolists of personal distinction, the mere men of elevated rank. Metropolitan servants, trained in depravity, are incapacitated to comprehend how far the personal interests of servants are folded up with the interests of the house they inhabit.

The Bulletin of the Jura Federation of August 16 informs us: "During the last two years there have been about sixty riots produced by hunger; but the rioters, in their ignorance, only bore a grudge against the immediate monopolists, and did not know how to discern the fundamental causes of their misery." This is all too plainly shown in the events of 1874.