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If the officer is in default, if his accounts are not settled, if he retains or misapplies the public money, information is to be given thereof, and thereupon his commission is to cease. But if his accounts are all regularly settled, if he collects and disburses the public money faithfully, then he is to remain in office, unless, for some other cause, the President sees fit to remove him.

The application of scientific truths to the common industries of life is becoming every day more and more a necessity. The village carpenter, no less than the builder of the Niagara Suspension Bridge, makes hourly reference to scientific laws. The carpenter who misapplies his formulæ for the strength of materials, builds a house which falls down.

It shines in his vocabulary, like a jewel in a muck-heap. And, even so, he continually misapplies it. For you must have observed he uses it as a sort of taunt, in the sense of to ergotise, implying, as it were the poor, dear fellow! a vein of sophistry. As for his cruelty to Jean-Marie, it must be forgiven him it is not his nature, it is the nature of his life.

Defective human nature obstructs our good intentions now and then. The foreman does not always get the idea, or misapplies it but the company's intentions are as I have stated, and we use every means to have them understood. It is necessary to be most insistent in the matter of absences.

It shines in his vocabulary like a jewel in a muck-heap. And, even so, he continually misapplies it. For you must have observed he uses it as a sort of taunt, in the sense of to ergotise, implying, as it were the poor, dear fellow! a vein of sophistry. As for his cruelty to Jean-Marie, it must be forgiven him it is not his nature, it is the nature of his life.

"There's something of the miser in both these people," said Esmeer, and the thing was perfectly true. For, after all, the miser is nothing more than a man who either through want of imagination or want of suggestion misapplies to a base use a natural power of concentration upon one end. The concentration itself is neither good nor evil, but a power that can be used in either way.

Rabbi Ilai says, in the name of Rabbi Jehuda, son of Rabbi Simeon: 'One may alter something in discourse for the sake of establishing harmony.... Rabbi Nathan says: 'This indeed is a duty.... Rabbi Ishmael taught: 'Peace is of such importance that for its sake God even alters facts." In each of these cases the rabbi cited misapplies a Bible passage in support of his position.

The Pornic fair has become the Venice carnival, and this has grown to the vision of man's life, in which the wanton and coquette named a philosophy or a theology has replaced the gipsy in tricot. The speaker misapplies to love and the truths obtained by love Browning's doctrine concerning knowledge.

Still, it is unlucky the British seaman is so enamoured of theological terms; for he constantly misapplies them. After lying a week like a dead log on the calm but heaving waters, came a few light puffs in the upper air and inflated the topsails only: the ship crawled southward, the crew whistling for wind.

A yet graver, not uncommon, source of error arises when a great writer misapplies the maxims of his own philosophy, or states them in such a manner that they are sure to be misapplied.