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This is because, in great convulsions of nature, at three different times, masses of the earth whole ranges of mountains, probably have flown off into space, thus lessening the diameter of the earth, and changing the exact locality of its centre by a point or two.

A few men and women; the latter with white caps and large baskets, who had evidently been over to St. Malo for household purposes, and were returning with the resigned air it is very pathetic that country women are so fond of wearing when they have been spending money and lessening the weight of the stocking which contains their treasured hoard.

Then, without lessening his gait, Drake turned half round in his saddle and pointed his revolver. Saunders heard the click of the hammer as it was cocked. Drake's demoniacal face in the white light had the greenish luster of a corpse a corpse waking to life and grim purpose. "Fall back or I'll kill you!" he swore from frothing lips.

The frequency with which Governments have been changed during the last forty years has had a contrary effect, producing such a strong bevy of lawyers who are pensioners as well as peers that financial reformers are loudly asking if some scheme cannot be devised for lessening the number of these costly and comparatively useless personages.

"France, having now the opportunity of lessening the number of her enemies, may carry the glory of her arms to the banks of the Thames, and crush the English government." Tallien's Speech.

"Now bend the straining rowers to their oars; Fast the light shallops leave the lessening shores, No rival crews in emulous sport contend, But life and death upon the event depend."

The framework is far, far older and so strong that it still survives. It was upon an evening in Spain, but with nothing which that word evokes for us in the North for it was merely a lessening of the light without dews, without mists, and without skies that I came up a stony valley and saw against the random line of the plateau at its head the dome of a church.

They succeeded in restoring political order by lessening their rents, tithes and other taxes; by remitting more than 50,000 pounds of outstanding dues, and a promise of increased support for the poor and sick; but to allay the religious excitement was a far more difficult task. Here, for the first time, the two religious parties appeared in arms against each other.

But the reduction of taxation demanded should be so measured as not to necessitate or justify either the loss of employment by the workingman or the lessening of his wages; and the profits still remaining to the manufacturer after a necessary readjustment should furnish no excuse for the sacrifice of the interests of his employees, either in their opportunity to work or in the diminution of their compensation.

Now it was some dim recollection of beliefs once strongly clung to, which came back to him with a shock. He would awaken through some chance word to the glory of the English rule in India, the lessening poverty of the Indian nations, the incorruptibility of the English officials and their justice.